the turbosupercharger assembly. Use
(9) Refer to figure 174 and separate the
new turbosupercharger-to- intake mani-
three exhaust manifold sections. The
fold hose if necessary.
sections may be replaced separately.
To replace a section the entire manifold
(3) Refer to figures 109 through 112 and
assembly must be removed from the en-
reverse the sequence of illustrations
gine. Remove the seals from the mani-
and instructions to install the thermo-
fold sections.
stat housing, using a new gasket.
c. Installation.
Note. The intake and exhaust manifolds must
be installed at the same time. Neither can be
a. Removal. To remove the intake manifold
assembly exhaust manifold assembly must
installed separately due to the interference be-
tween studs and manifold mounting flanges.
be removed (par. 88). Neither can be removed
separately. Remove intake manifold as follows.
(1) Refer to figures 168 through 174 and re-
verse the sequence of illustrations and
(1) Refer to figures 109 through 111 and
follow instructions to remove thermo-
instructions to install the exhaust mani-
fold assembly. Install new intake, ex-
stat housing.
haust, and cylinder head water outlet
manifold gaskets.
(2) Remove turbosupercharger assembly
following the sequence of illustrations
Note. Tighten nuts alternately before
and instructions for figures 44 through
47 and 49 through 52.
torquing to avoid damage to manifolds.
(3) Remove the intake manifold assembly
(2) Refer to figures 44 through 47 and 49
following instructions for figures 168
through 52 and reverse the sequence of
through 172.
illustrations and instructions to install
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