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Page Title: Figure 3-175. Checking operating lever position (code A pumps).
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TM 9-2910-226-34
step c (4) above for procedure.) Check condition of
fuel control unit and pin (para 3-44).
(5) Reduce speed to 1200 rpm and check fuel
pressure on gage (A, fig. 3-162) at compensator
inlet. Fuel pressure should be 40-55 psi. Adjust
droop screw to obtain fuel flow per Table 3-7. (Refer
to c (5) and (6) above for procedure.)
(6) If fuel flow cannot be adjusted to these
limits, check engagement of compensator stop plate,
torque link stop and guide, and the angular position
of smoke limit torque cam. (Refer to c (6) above for
procedure. )
(7) Reduce speed to 700 rpm and check fuel
pressure on gage (A, fig. 3-162) at compensator
inlet. Fuel pressure should be 30-40 psi. With
operating lever in idle position, adjust low-idle
adjustment screw (fig. 3-173) to obtain fuel flow per
Table 3-7. (Refer to c (7) above for procedure. )
(8) Check 2800 rpm full-fuel flow. If fuel flow
does not fall within limits, repeat (2) through (7)
(9) Reduce test stand rpm to a minimum. When
speed reaches minimum, push drive motor stop
Figure 3-175. Checking operating lever position (code A pumps).
button (DD, fig. 3-162), and turn speed shifting
f. Shut-down  o f T e s t S t a n d A f t e r P u m p
crank (S) to LOW RANGE.
Calibration. (Refer to fig. 3-162). Push drive motor
(10) Restart the test stand and adjust speed to
stop button (DD) to stop test stand. Turn off the fuel
150 rpm, with operating lever in full fuel position.
and lube oil heat switches (R and T), the 500.1000-
Set count at 1000 and collect fuel in fuel burettes.
OFF count switch (V), the FORWARD-OFF-
Fuel flow should be in accordance with Table 3-7. If
Reverse switch (CC), and the auxiliary motor switch
the fuel flow is below specified limit, the hydraulic
(AA). Back off the fuel and lube oil regulators (JJ,
head and plunger are worn excessively and the head
HH). Push test stand 24-volt button (P).
must be replaced. Replace hydraulic head assembly
g. Removal of Pump from Test Stand,
if proper flow is not obtained, and retest the pump.
(1) Refer to figures 3-163, 3-169 and 3-170, and
(11) Activate fuel injection pump electric
disconnect and remove the following hoses:
solenoid fuel shut-off. Apply 24 v dc to solenoid
(a) Test stand lube pressure-to-fuel injection
electrical connect ion.  Fuel should stop flowing
pump hose (E) to the fuel injection pump oil inlet
immediately each time the solenoid is activated. If
f i t t i n g in the advance housing.  - -
shut -off does not operate, replace solenoid (para 3-
(b) Fuel injection pump lube return-to-test
stand lube return hose (F) to the test stand lube oil
(12) Check operating lever travel with tem-
plate, 5120-134-7462, as shown in fig. 3-175.
(c) Test stand fuel pressure-to-supply pump
Template should be held flush against side of
inlet hose (A) to the inlet port of the fuel injection
transfer pump with center line mark alined with
pump fuel supply pump.
shaft. Center line of lever must fall within lines
(d) Fuel injection pump fuel outlet-to-
indicated. If not within template limits, check
compensator inlet hose (B) to the adapter (J) at the
governor spacers and springs, gaps and preloads,
compensator inlet tee (H) (on code G pumps the hose
operating lever to operating shaft position, and
to the hydraulic head).
smoke limit torque cam angle. If corrections are
(e) Compensator inlet tee pressure gage hose
necessary, fuel flow of pump should be rechecked
(C) to the fuel pressure gage (or panel connection).
after any adjustments are made.

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