TM 9-2910-226-34
If the injection pump is to be tested after
assembly, do not tighten the timing window
screws until the fuel leakage and timing
check as described in paragraphs 3-50
through 3-58 has been performed.
Figure 3-157. Checking stop plate and smoke limit cam clearance
(code G pumps).
(3) Refer to figure 3-158. Install governor cover
gasket (A) and governor cover (B). Secure cover with
four machine screws (C) and Iockwashers (D).
Torque tighten screws to 50-60 inch-pounds.
If the fuel pump is to be tested immediately
after assembly, the governor cover should
not be secured until adjustments are made as
described in paragraphs 3-50 through 3-58.
Figure 3-159. Installing timing window cover and fuel shutoff
rod assembly or solenoid assembly,
Installation o f Fuel Shutoff Solenoid
Assembly. Install fuel shutoff solenoid assembly the
Figure 3-158. Installing governor cover (code G pumps).
same as in b above except use two socket head screws
3-47. Installation of Timing Window Cover and Fuel
and lockwashers (E). Do not tighten screws and
Shutoff Rod Assembly or Solenoid Assembly. a.
install wire until after pump is tested.
Assembly. The timing window cover and fuel
shutoff rod assembly were assembled during repair
Gasket 11662856 (0.020 thick) is a service
(paras. 3-21 and 3-22).
replacement for gasket -- 7748841 (0.031
thick) and can be used with timing window
(A) with a thin coat of sealer, MIL-S-45180 or
cover on any pump, but is a mandatory
equivalent on side facing cover. Install gasket (A),
replacement with the solenoid assembly on
timing window cover and fuel shutoff rod assembly
code A injection pump.
(B). Install two fillister head screws (C) and lock-
washers (D).
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