TM 9-2910-226-34
(3) Check the disassembled components of the
(5) Refer to figure 3-43. Install idler gear (D) on
pin in supply pump housing. Apply engine oil to lip
fuel supply pump against the repair standards para
of housing oil seal and install drive shaft (E) in
3-62. Replace the complete pump assembly if they do
supply pump housing. Clearance between flat
not meet these requirements. Refer to figure 3-43.
surface of gears and housing must be 0.002 to 0.008 -
Examine the supply pump housing(K) and housing
inch. Install the Woodruff key (J). Install drive gear
cover(F) for cracks and distortion. Inspect the idler
(B) on drive shaft and secure with retaining ring (A).
gear (D) and the gear on drive shaft (E) for broken or
Turn drive shaft by hand. Gears must operate freely
chipped gears and looseness of idler gear pin (R).
without any binding. Apply a thin coat of sealer,
Replace the complete pump assembly if any of the
MIL-S-45180, to housing cover and install cover (F)
parts are damaged.
on housing. Secure cover with screws (H) and lock-
(4) Refer to figure 3-44. Apply a thin coat of
washers (G). Tighten screws to a torque of 30-35
sealing compound, MIL-S-45180, or equivalent to
inch -pounds.
the outside diameter of the oil seal and press the seal
e. Final Testing. Final testing of the fuel supply
into the supply pump housing flush to 0.015 inch
pump is accomplished at fuel injection pump test
below supply pump housing face.
stand calibration.
3-21. Repair of Timing Window Cover and Fuel
Shutoff Rod Assembly (All Except Code A In-
45. Drive out fitting retaining pin (A) using suitable
drift. Remove shutoff fitting (B) and bearing screw
(C). Remove and discard shutoff rod gasket (D).
Remove rod return spring (E). Remove and discard
shutoff rod preformed packing (F). Remove fuel
shutoff rod (G) from timing window cover.
Figure 3-44. Installing fuel supply pump housing oil seal.
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