TM 9-2910-226-34
(f) Overflow valve-to-test stand fuel return
hose (D) to the test stand fuel return.
(2) Remove improvised manifold (fig. 3-163 or
3-169) consisting of adapters (J and K), tee (H), and
elbow (G) from the compensator inlet tee (on code G
pumps remove adapter) (C, fig. 3-165), coupling (B)
and elbow (A) from elbow at hydraulic head inlet.
(3) Disconnect and remove the tube assemblies
from the pump head to the test nozzles (fig. 3-169).
(4) Remove throttle holding spring (fig. 3-163).
Install pipe plug in rear of governor housing (A, B,
E, and F pumps).
(5) Loosen the pump and bracket clamp holding
the pump to the rails, and tip the pump assembly to
drain oil and fuel. Remove pump from test stand.
(6) Plug or cap openings in pump to prevent
entry of dirt.
(7) Remove the retaining nut and lockwasher
on the pump shaft, and remove the test stand drive
hub from the pump,
(8) Remove the adapter ring and bracket from
the pump.
(9) Torque tighten high-speed adjustment
screw hex nut and the idle adjustment screw
Figure 3-176. Tamper-proof covers, installed view.
locknut to 50-60 inch-pounds (fig. 3-173).
(10) On code A pumps, install locking wire on
the two socket head screws attaching the electric
fuel shutoff solenoid to the pump.
(11) Install locking wire on the governor end
cover screws and quill shaft access plate screws.
(12) Install seals to prevent unauthorized tam-
pering of pump adjustments as follows. Refer to
figures 3-176 and 3-177.
(a) Upper dust cover. Install new seal, in-
serting the wire through the hole in the head of the
capscrew and through the boss protruding from the
cover. Crimp the seal using sealing pliers.
(b) Closure cover on fuel adjustment. Install
cover over the fuel adjustment guide locknut on the
density compensator housing flange, using the two
drilled head housing mounting screws. Install the
new lead seal by threading the sealing wire through
the front compensator to governor housing screws.
Insert wire through the lead seal and crimp using
sealing pliers.
(c) Compensator servo pressure valve.
Pumps with fuel density compensators should have
Figure 3-177. Installation of seal wire on fuel density
seals in place. If they are not, install sleeve, and
compensator servo-pressure valve sleeve.
thread wire of lead seal as shown in figure 3-177,
and crimp using sealing pliers.
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