--. Cleaning and Inspection.
c. Repair. Repair the front and rear cylinder
head water outlet manifolds (W and L) as di-
(1) Cleaning. Clean the rubber hose (S) with
rected in paragraph 154b. Replace the rubber
warm water and soap. Clean the hose
hoses (K) when cracked: hardened, or in a set
clamps (R) and the oil cooler water in-
condition. Replace the hose clamps (J) when
l e t tube (Q) as directed in para-
cracked or bent.
graph 152 c.
d. Assembly. Position hose (K) and hose
(2) Inspection. Inspect the oil cooler water
clamp J on front cylinder head water outlet
inlet tube (Q) for dents and cracks. In-
manifold (W) and rear cylinder head water out-
spect the rubber hose (S) for cracks,
let manifold (L). Do not tighten hose clamp
set condition, and hardening. Inspect
until manifolds are properly positioned on cyl-
hose clamps (R) for cracks and bends.
inder heads and intake manifold (par. 271).
c . Repair. Straighten minor dents in oil
cooler water inlet tube (Q). Replace oil cooler
water inlet tube when cracked or severely
Note. The key letters shown below in paren-
dented. Replace the rubber hose (S) when
these refer to figure 408 except where other-
cracked or hardened. Replace the hose clamps
wise indicated.
(R) when cracked or bent.
d. Assembly.
Position hose (S) and two
Remove hose (S) and two
a. Disassemble
clamps (R) on oil cooler water inlet tube (Q).
hose clamps R from oil cooler water inlet
Do not tighten hose clamps at this time.
tube (Q).
(C-1), and exhaust manifold front section (D)
as directed in paragraph 154 b . Repair studs
Note. The key letters shown below in paren-
(C-2) as directed in paragraph 154d.
these refer to figure 410 except where other-
wise indicated.
d. Assembly. Refer to figures 173 and 174
a n d reverse the sequence of illustrations and
a. Disassembly. Refer to figures 173 and
instructions to assemble the exhaust manifold
174 for instructions covering disassembly of
exhaust manifold assembly.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Note. The key letters shown below in paren-
Clean the exhaust manifold
these refer to figure 410 except where other-
rear section (TT), exhaust manifold
wise indicated.
center section (C-1), and exhaust mani-
fold front section (D) as directed in
a. Disassemble . Loosen turbosupercharger-
to- intake manifold hose clamp (R) and separate
the 3-inch id rubber hose (S) from the elbow
(2) Inspection. Inspect the exhaust manifold
(F- 1). Remove the hose clamps from the rubber
rear section (TT). exhaust manifold
center section (C-1), and exhaust mani-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
fold front section (D) as directed in
(1) Cleaning. Clean turbosupercharger-to-
directed in paragraph 153 g.
intake manifold hose clamps (R)-and the
elbow (F-1) as directed in paragraph
c. Repair. Repair the exhaust manifold rear
section (TT), exhaust manifold center section
water and soap.
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