b. Repair. Remove minor nicks from fuel in-
b . Disassembly. Disassemble fuel injector
jection pump driven gear teeth using a fine mill
nozzle and holder assemblies following the in-
file. Replace gear when teeth show excessive
structions for figures 152 through 155.
wear or damage. Repair fuel injection pump
brackets (EE and RR) as directed in paragraph
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
r e t a i n i n g plate (AG) as directed in para-
(1) Cleaning. Clean fuel injector nozzle and
graph 154 b.
holder components as directed in para-
graph 83 f_.
(2) Inspection. Inspect fuel injector nozzle
and holder components as directed in
Note. Test all fuel injector nozzle and holder
paragraph 83 g.
assemblies before attempting any disassembly.
Disassemble only the nozzle and holder assem-
d . Repair. Repair fuel injector nozzle and
blies that leak or do not meet pressure require-
holder components as directed in paragraph 83 h.
e. Assembly. Assemble fuel injector nozzle
a. Testing. Refer to paragraph 83 c for in-
structions on installing nozzle and holder as-
graph 83 i.
sembly and test as directed in paragraph 83 d .
mostat. Immerse thermostat in con-
tainer of water as shown in figure 409.
Note. The key letters shown below in paren-
Slowly raise temperature to 200 F. The
theses refer to figure 408 except where other-
thermostat must begin to expand at
180 F and continue until water is raised
wise indicated.
to 200 F. Total expansion between 180F
a. Disassembly. Loosen 2-inch hose clamp
and 200" F must be 0.310 to 0.345-inch.
Inspect rubber hose (EE) for cracks,
(DD) and remove 2-inch id rubber hose (EE)
hardening, and set condition.
from housing (C- 2). Remove thermostat (E) and
thermostat seal (D) from housing. Discard
c . Repair. Repair the housing (C-2) as di-
thermostat seal. Remove 3/4- inch pipe plug
r e c t e d paragraph 154 b . Replace the hose
(C- 1) and l/2-inch pipe plug (C-3) from housing.
clamps (DD) when cracked or bent. Replace
thermostat (E) when cracked or if it does not
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
pass expansion test. Replace rubber hose (EE)
when cracked, hardened, or in a set condition.
(1) Cleaning. Clean housing (C- 2), hose
clamps (DD), and thermostat (E) as
d. Assembly. Install 3/4-inch pipe plug (C-1)
directed in paragraph 152 c. Clean the
and 1/2-inch plug (C-3) in housing (C-2).
rubber hose (EE) with warm water and
Install new thermostat seal (D) as shown in
(2) Inspection. Inspect the housing (C- 2) as
making sure that the long case end properly
enters the thermostat seal. Install 2-inch id
directed in paragraph 153 b. Inspect hose
rubber hose (EE) and 2-inch hose clamps (DD)
clamps (DD) for cracks and bends. In-
loosely on housing. Further adjustment and
spect the thermostat (E) for cracks.
tightening will be accomplished during assem-
Even though the thermostat appears in
bly of the engine.
good condition, check operation of ther-
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