Q - Drive housing
A - Brush holder terminal stud
R - Sleeve bearing
B - Brush
S - Drive pinion
C - Field coil terminal stud
T - Drive clutch assembly
D - Field coil
U - Sleeve bearing
E - Pole shoe
V - Pole shoe screw
F - Contact assembly
W - Armature
X - Frame assembly
Y - End plate gasket
J - Solenoid plunger
Z - Commutator end plate assembly
K - Rubber bellows
AA - Brush spring
L - Plunger spring
BB - Sleeve bearing
M - Lever housing
CC - Brush holder assembly
N - Lever housing inspection plug
P Shift lever
(5) Drive housing. The drive housing (Q)
(4) Brushes and brush holder assembly.
The eight brushes (B), which function
serves as a bearing support for the
drive end of the armature shaft, and as
as the electrical contact to the commu-
a housing for the drive pinion (S). It also
tator, are supported by four brush
holders and are held in contact with the
is the attaching support for the starter.
Three holes are provided for attach-
commutator by eight helical torsion
b r u s h springs (AA). Two pairs of
ment to the engine.
brushes are connected to a brush holder
terminal stud (A) which extends through
(6) Lever housing. The lever housing (M)
the commutator end plate. Each of the
serves as the armature center bearing
remaining two pairs is connected to a
support, as an end plate for the motor
field coil.
portion of the starter, and as a housing
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