Section I. GENERAL
U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Center, 28251 Van
Dyke, Warren, Michigan, 48090, ATTN: SMOTA-
a. This technical manual contains instruc-
MT, using DA Form 2028.
tions for direct support, general support, and
depot maintenance of the starter assembly, FSN
2920-226-6545 (fig. 1). It contains descriptions
of, and procedures for, troubleshooting, dis-
assembly, inspection, repair, and assembly of
the starter.
Refer to maintenance allocation chart in
pertinent vehicle organizational maintenance
b. Appendix I contains a list of current ref-
erences applicable to the starter.
c. Appendix II contains an illustrated list of
repair parts allocated to Direct and General
Support and Depot Maintenance.
For current and complete listing of
all au-
thorized forms, refer to current issue
of DA
d. Any errors or omissions will be brought
Pamphlet 310-2. TM 38-750 contains
to the attention of the Commanding General,
tions on use of forms for records and
the frame by the pole shoes and eight
pole shoe screws (V). The coils are
connected to the field coil terminal stud
Note. The key letters shown in parentheses
which is insulated from the frame. The
refer to figure 2.
frame has screw thread openings for
a. Description. This electrical starter is a
heavy-duty, 2 4 volt, insulated, waterproof, fun-
(2) Armature. The armature (W) is made
gus and corrosion resistant, solenoid-operated,
of copper and laminated steel assem-
enclosed shift-lever-type engine starter with
bled on a steel shaft. It is supported by
eight brushes retained in four brush holders.
three sleeve bearings (R, U, and BB).
The drive clutch is a heavy-duty overrunning
The armature has straight splines on
type and the pinion clearance is adjustable. The
the drive end of the shaft which engage
principal components of the starter assembly
splines on the drive clutch assembly
are the frame assembly (X), armature (W),
(T). A commutator, located at the brush
commutator end plate assembly (Z), brush
end of the armature, is the electrical
holder assembly (CC), brushes (B), drive clutch
point of contact of the armature.
assembly (T), drive housing (Q), solenoid relay
assembly (G), lever housing (M), shift lever
(3) Commutator end plate assembly. The
(P), and solenoid plunger (J).
commutator end plate assembly (Z)
serves as an end closure for the frame
and a bearing support for the armature.
(1) Frame assembly. The frame assembly
It also serves as a support for the brush
(X) consists of the field coils (D), pole
holder assembly (CC). The brush holder
shoes (E), and field coil terminal stud
assembly is a component part of the
(C), all supported by a heavy steel
frame. The field coils are secured to
commutator end plate assembly.
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