TM 9-2910-226-34
If the fuel pump is to be tested immediately
after assembly, do not secure the timing
cover until adjustments are made as
described in paragraphs 3-50 through 3-58.
Figure 3-125. Removing fuel injection pump and fixture from vise.
(2) Refer to figure 3-126. Lubricate and install
pump housing packing (A). Install timing device
hub (B) on camshaft, alining slot with woodruff key
tighten nut to 50-55 foot-pounds. Install camshaft
Figure 3-127. Installing timing cover.
nut setscrew (D) and torque tighten setscrew to 25-
(4) Refer to figure 3-128. Install sliding gear (A)
28 foot-pounds. Remove fixture from injection pump
on timing device hub. Select and fit proper sliding
gear spacer (B) to give 2.180 to 2.200-inch dimen-
sion. Remove sliding gear and sliding gear spacer
and retain for future assembly.
Figure 3-126. Installing timing device hub on camshaft.
It is possible to have pointer (A, fig. 3-108)
near the timing device hub scribe mark
without alinement of arrow and slotted tooth
being shown in the housing window (fig. 3-
122). If this occurs, rotate the timing device
Figure 3-128. Selecting proper sliding gear spacer.
hub one complete turn.
(3) Refer to figure 3-127. Install timing cover
(5 Refer to figure 3-129. Install end play spacer
gasket (A) and timing cover (B). Secure cover with
(A), spider assembly (B), and weight and spider
four machine screws (C) and lockwashers (D).
thrust plate (C) on camshaft.
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