TM 9-2910-226-34
lever against retaining ring and install clamping
(11) Refer to figure 3-77 to insure that the spring
screw (E), and check clearance to obtain a tolerance
plate prongs have engaged the fulcrum lever
of 0.002 to O .004 -inch between stop lever and bearing
assembly finger.
housing. If clearance is not within these limits,
(12) Refer to figure 3-61. Install gasket (B) and
replace operating shaft bearing housing. Torque
operating shaft bearing (A).
tighten clamping screw to 50-60 inch-pounds.
(13) Refer to figure 3-81. Install four bearing
(15) Refer to figure 3-59 and install the
mounting machine screws (A) and four copper
operating lever on operating shaft, and secure with
gaskets (B). Torque tighten screws 50-60 inch-
clamping screw (G), lockwasher (F) and hex nut (E).
pounds and secure with locking wire.
Torque tighten nut to 70-75 inch-pounds. Position
lever as shown with split in lever alined with scribe
Locking wire must be installed as shown to
mark or groove on shaft as shown in figure 3-82.
avoid interference with movement of stop
Figure 3-82. Positioning operating levers.
(16) Refer to figure 3-83. Install idle adjusting
screw (A) and lock sleeve nut (B) with approximately .
Figure 3-81. Installing stop lever and associated parts.
5/32-inch of exposed thread at the bottom. Finger
tighten locknut. Install high speed adjustment screw
(C) with approximately 5/32-inch exposed thread at
Sub -paragraphs (14) through (18) below do
the bottom. Install hex nut (D) and tighten finger
not apply to code A pumps.
tight. Final adjustment of idle and high speed ad-
(14) Refer to figure 3-81. Install lever (C) with
justment screws is made during calibration of the
slot alined with groove or scribe mark in end of
`operating shaft. Install retaining ring (D). Hold stop
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