TM 9-2910-226-34
(3) Refer to figure 3-12. Remove nut (A), lock-
(2) Refer to figure 3-11. Remove two capscrews
washer (B), stop plate bridge (C), lockwasher (D)
(A), lockwashers (B), and flat washers (C). Remove
and nut (E) from stop plate.
stop plate and bridge assembly (D).
Figure 3-11. Removing stop plate and bridge assembly
(code G pumps).
Figure 3-12. Disassembling stop plate and bridge assembly (code G pumps).
lockwashers (E). Remove governor housing and
locking wire (A) and remove three capscrews (B),
associated parts (F). Remove and discard governor
lockwashers (C), and two machine screws (D) and
housing gasket (G).
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