wrench -10935288 (fig. 82) to obtain proper belt
Note. Three slots in the injection pump
deflection as shown in figure 83. Replace worn,
driven gear allow approximately 20
heat checked, or cracked belts, and belts which
degrees of free rotation of the injection
cannot be adjusted to proper deflection.
pump driven gear on the hub. The hub
is tapered and is keyed to the injection
pump drive shaft on early injection
pumps only. Late pumps do not have
Woodruff key.
Adjust fan and generator drive belt deflection
following instructions in figure 43. Replace both
(3) Rotate the injection pump driven gear
hub nut (fig. 77) until the marked gear
belts as a set when frayed, cracked, or unser-
tooth appears in the window (fig. 65)
viceable or when proper deflection cannot be
on the side of the head of the injection
pump and the timing mark (fig. 64) on
automatic advance unit hub alines with
the pointer in the advance housing. With
the marks alined, tighten the three hex
head screws retaining the gear to the
a. General. Whenever the cooling system is
hub (fig. 77).
badly rusted, as indicated by overflow loss or
abnormally high operating temperatures, the
Note. In extreme cases it may be nec-
system must be cleaned. Reverse flow flushing
essary to remove the driven gear re-
will effectively remove the heavy deposits of
taining screws to reposition the gear on
sludge, rust, and scale.
the hub so the mark and pointer can be
b. Procedure.
(4) Recheck the timing to make certain the
(1) Provide suitable drainage for coolant
adjustment has not been disturbed.
during flushing operation. Open `the
drain cock (fig. 107) located at the right
(5) Refer to figure 61 and reverse the se-
side of the crankcase and allow coolant
quence of instructions to install the fuel
to drain. Remove two pipe plugs from
injection pump access cover and timing
the crankcase water jacket on the right
covers. Use a new gasket.
side of engine behind turbosupercharger
(6) Refer to figure 62 and reverse the se-
quence of instructions to install cylinder
Caution: Allow sufficient time for
head cover. Install new gaskets under
crankcase to cool before actually flush-
cover and breather adapter.
ing system.
(2) Remove the coolant thermostat housing
and thermostat following instructions
in figures 109 through 111. Install the
thermostat housing (without thermostat)
Loosen the lock nut (fig. 56) and turn the idle
on intake manifold by reversing the se-
adjusting screw to obtain 550 to 600 rpm. After
quence of instructions in figures 109
setting the idle speed, tighten the lock nut with-
and 110.
out permitting the idle screw to turn.
(3) Clamp flushing gun to water outlet on
Note. Any tampering or adjustment of the
thermostat housing (fig. 222). Turn
maximum speed governor adjustment screw
water on and fill coolant system.
from its factory setting will nullify the warranty.
(4) Apply air pressure gradually. Do not
exceed 10 psi air pressure. Blow water
out through water pump inlet. Alter-
nately fill the system with water, and
blow out with air until flushing streams
Refer to figure 82 and loosen pulley adjusting
are clean. Disconnect flushing gun.
flange nuts. Adjust pulley adjustable flange using
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