![]() TM 746-10
compartment within the kit carrying case and cushion
(4) Packing.
Pack the components listed in
with cellulosic cushioning material. Close the carrying
case and secure latches.
container (drum) for the detector in the following
(3) Unit pack. Place each carrying case into
a weather-resistant fiberboard box. Cushion top and
(a) Place a minimum thickness of 2 inches of
bottom of case within the box with bound-fiber
uncompressed, bound fiber cushioning material in the
cushioning material. Close the box with tape.
bottom of the metal shipping container.
(4) Packing. Place each kit in a nailed wood
(b) Position the packed components in the
box or cleated plywood box. Immobilize the pack within
metal shipping container in the following manner:
the box with filler pads to restrict movement. Close the
1 Place the unit packed detector
box and apply galvanized steel strapping.
assembly inside the metal shipping container first.
b. Unserviceable,
2 Place the packed observer's control
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
boxes (one on top of the other) beside the detector
mark the same as for serviceable retrograde materiel,
assembly package.
as specified in a above, except include condition code
3 Place the packed cable assemblies
"F" in the marking.
and the packed miscellaneous nonmetallic components
c. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
on top of the observer's control boxes.
preserve, and pack per a above. Mark per paragraph 3-
4 Place the unit packed detector base
plate on its edge and stow along side the detector
Detector, Concealed Personnel, Aircraft
assembly package.
Mounted, M3
5 Place the packed sheet metal
a. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
components also on edge and stow on the other side of
(1) Cleaning and drying. Clean the detector
the detector assembly.
and related components by process C-1 and dry by
6 Place
procedure D-4. Clean and dry nonmetallic components
miscellaneous metallic components directly on top of
by wiping with a clean cloth.
the detector pack.
(2) Preservative
7 Place
damaged, chipped, and scratched portions of painted
(approximately 36 inches by 50 inches) over the packed
surfaces with the same type and color paint originally
applied. Preserve bare, ferrous metal surfaces with P-9,
8 Place the coiled air hose on top of
wrap with greaseproof, waterproof barrier material, and
the plastic sheet. Fold the sheet over, both inside of
secure with tape. Cover electrical connectors with dust
and under the coil. Secure the folded plastic sheet
caps or apply waterproof barrier material secured with
using tape.
tape. Cover ends of air hoses with waterproof barrier
9 Place and secure the cover and
material and secure with tape.
locking ring on the metal shipping container and seal
(3) Unit pack. Individually pack the following
with a lead seal and wire assembly.
components or a combination of like components, as
b. Unserviceable,
indicated below, using fiberboard boxes, ensuring that
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
their size is compatible to the inside dimensions of the
mark the same as for serviceable retrograde materiel,
metal shipping container (drum):
as specified in a above, except include condition code
Miscellaneous metallic components ................... 1 box
"F" in the marking.
Detector assembly ............................................. 1 box
c. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
Detector base..................................................... 1 box
preserve, and pack per b above. Mark per paragraph 3-
Observer control box.......................................... 1 box
Cable assemblies ............................................... 1 box
4-146. Filter Unit, Gas Particulate
Miscellaneous nonmetallic
a. General.
This paragraph pertains to the
components ....................................................... 1 box
following gas particulate filter units:
Sheet metal components.................................... 1 box
(1) Filter unit, 12 CFM, ABC-M7A1.
Coil air hose the same inside dimension of metal
shipping container. Use a sufficient amount of cellulosic
(2) Filter unit, 12 CFM, ABC-M8A2.
cushioning material inside each of the above packs to
(3) Filter unit, 12 CFM, ABC-M8A3.
prevent movement of the components inside. Use the
(4) Filter unit, EMD, 20 CFM, ABC-M13 and
same material to fill all voids to prevent movement of
components packed inside the metal shipping container.
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