![]() TM 746-10
b. Unserviceable,
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
Do not direct water under pressure,
mark the same as for serviceable, retrograde materiel,
steam, or compressed air onto precision
as specified in this paragraph except include condition
components or instruments.
code "F" in the marking.
(2) Preservative application.
Repaint all
c. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
damaged portions of painted surfaces with the same
preserve, and pack per a. Mark per paragraph 3-5.
type and color paint originally applied.
Use P-2
4-142. Flame-thrower, Portable, M2A1-7 and M9E1-7
preservation compound to coat unpainted, exposed
metal surfaces including exposed threaded areas.
a. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
Close off all fuel valves and fill the fuel tank with P-10,
(1) Cleaning and drying. Prior to cleaning,
type I, grade 30. Open all fuel valves. Disconnect the
bleed air pressure from fuel and pressure tanks. Drain
flexible fuel tube from the flowjector and permit the
fuel tanks of residual fuel. Clean all exterior surfaces by
preservative oil to run through the flexible fuel tube.
wiping with a clean cloth. Clean hose by wiping with a
Close off fuel valves. Connect the flexible fuel tube to
clean cloth.
Tape all outlet nozzles and openings.
Remove the engine head and dip it in P-10, grade 1,
P-10, grade 30, into fuel tanks and invert and shake
and permit the engine head to drain. Reinstall the
several times to coat interior of tanks. Connect the hose
engine head. Wrap spare engine heads removed from
and gun to the tanks and drain the oil through the hose
their original package in barrier material and tape
and gun into a container. Do not discard the oil because
the drained oil can be used for preserving other tanks.
(3) Packing. Pack the smoke generator in its
Disconnect the hose and gun from the tanks after they
original shipping crate (cleated-plywood), if available.
are preserved internally.
Otherwise, use a fabricated cleated plywood crate with a
skidded base. Secure the smoke generator using hold-
and ends of hoses using tape.
down plates, nuts, and washers. Retract the carrying
(4) Packing. When original packing chests
handles and lock them in place with the locking pins
are available, pack each flame-thrower within the chest.
attached to the unit. Stow the hose on the frame and
Strap each packing chest using two 34-inch steel straps.
secure it using the spring fasteners furnished with the
In the event packing chests are not available, pack each
unit. Stow the flexible nozzle tube and bung wrench on
flame-thrower in a box fabricated from wood or plywood.
the base of the crate and secure them using the clamps
Block and brace the flame-thrower within each box
furnished with the unit. In the event the clamp or spring
using wood or fiberboard pads. Close the box and apply
fasteners are missing from the unit, secure the items
3/4-inch galvanized steel strapping.
using reinforced filament tape. Lower the top of the
b. Unserviceable,
crate over the smoke generator and bolt it to the base of
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
the crate using lag bolts and washers.
mark the same as for serviceable retrograde materiel,
b. Unserviceable,
as specified in a above, except include condition code
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
"F" in the marking.
mark the same as for serviceable, retrograde materiel,
c. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
as specified in a above, except include condition code
preserve, and pack per paragraph 4-142a. Mark per
"F" in the marking.
c. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
4-143. Generator, Smoke, Mechanical Pulse Jet,
preserve, and pack per a above. Mark per paragraph 3-
a. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
4-144. Sampling Retrograde Materiel
(1) Cleaning and drying.
Clean all
a. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
components of the generator using process C-1; then
(1) Cleaning and drying. Clean all items by
dry, using procedure D-1 or D-4, as applicable. Clean
process C-1 and dry by procedure D-4.
nonmetallic items by wiping with a clean, dry cloth. In
(2) Preservation application.
Preserve all
the event steam, compressed air, or water under
bare metal surfaces with P-9. Wrap preserved items
pressure is used for cleaning the generator, adhere to
with greaseproof, waterproof barrier material and secure
the following precautionary note:
with tape. Place all items in their respective
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