![]() TM 746-10
c. Unserviceable,
(5) Filter unit, armored ambulance, M14.
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
b. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
mark the same as for serviceable retrograde materiel,
(1) Cleaning and drying. Clean all metallic
as specified in paragraph 4-146b, except include
parts by immersion in dry cleaning solvent or by wiping,
condition code "F" in the marking.
using a clean cloth saturated with the same solvent.
Drain and dry with compressed air or by wiping with a
d. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
clean, dry cloth. Clean all nonmetallic parts by wiping,
preserve, and pack per paragraph 4-146b. Mark per
using a cloth.
(2) Preservative
damaged, chipped, and scratched portions of painted
4-147. Maintenance Kit, CBR Equipment, M14
surfaces with the same type and color paint originally
applied. Preserve bare, ferrous metal surfaces with P-9,
cover with greaseproof, waterproof barrier material, and
a. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
secure in place with tape.
(1) Cleaning and drying. Clean all metal
surfaces of the kit components using a cleaning solvent.
Accomplish drying by wiping, using a clean, dry cloth.
Do not immerse or clean filter with
Wipe nonmetallic surfaces using a clean, dry cloth.
solvent. Wipe with clean, dry cloth
(2) Preservative application.
Coat all
unpainted metal surfaces with P-9.
(3) Unit pack. Secure the press handle with
(3) Unit pack. Cover glass instruments and
filament-reinforced tape. Wrap the press and attaching
panels with cellulosic cushioning material and secure in
tools with waterproof barrier material and secure with
place with tape. Coil hoses and cable assemblies and
tape. Place the press and attaching tools inside the tool
secure with twine or tape. Place all clamps, screws,
box, lock the box, and secure keys to the box with tape.
washers, and other miscellaneous hardware in a
Cover the gauge dial of the hydrostatic volumetric test
waterproof bag and identify contents. Place each of the
jet with fiberboard and secure in place with tape.
following components in individual watervaporproof
(4) Packing.
Place all unit packed and
wrapped components of the kit into the original box or
Filter units
fabricate a wood or plywood box. Immobilize the items
Air purifier
M7A1, M8A2, M8A3,
within the box with cellulosic cushioning material. Close
the box and apply 3/4-inch galvanized steel strapping.
Precleaner and hous
M13, M13A1
ing assembly
b. Unserviceable,
Frame assembly
M8A2, M8A3, M13,
retrograde materiel. Clean, dry, preserve, pack, and
M13A1, M14
mark the same as for serviceable retrograde materiel,
Switch assemblies
M8A2, M8A3, M13,
as specified in a above, except include condition code
"F" in the marking.
c. Serviceable materiel to be recycled. Clean, dry,
M13, M13A1
preserve, and pack per a above. Mark per paragraph 3-
Head pieces
M7A1, M14
4-148. Compressor, Reciprocating, Power-driven,
Heat seal bags or close by applying tape. Place each
bagged unit and assembly in a weather-resistant
fiberboard box and immobilize with cellulosic cushioning
a. Serviceable retrograde materiel.
material. Close each box with tape. Place a copy of the
(1) Cleaning and drying.
Clean all
operator/organizational maintenance TM with the M7A1
component items of the compressor using process C-1.
and M14 gas particulate filter units.
Clean the exterior of the compressor with water under
pressure or steam.
(4) Packing.
Pack each filter unit and
components in a wood or plywood box.
Do not direct water under pressure,
steam, or compressed air into
precision equipment or instruments.
Do not mix components of one type
filter with another. Close box and
apply galvanized steel strapping.
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