![]() TM 746-10
packed components within the van to prevent damage.
case and cushion with cellulosic cushioning.
g. Double and single-multiplex frames with tables.
4-87. Tower Erection Set, Topographic
Coat unpainted, exterior metal surfaces of components
such as nuts, bolts, adjusting screws, base bar, and
double-frame adapter with P-9. Wrap or cover the
coated surfaces with greaseproof barrier material and
secure in place with tape.
b. Aprons, bags, safety belts, climber's sets, safety
h. Air conditioners, pumps, electrical cables, and
straps, and textile tape. Pack in fiberboard boxes.
c. Tackle blocks, wire rope clamps, cable grips,
i. Truck. Clean, dry, and preserve power train,
and turnbuckles.
Coat unpainted or unprotected
brakes, steering, and all other components of the
surfaces with P-1.
mobility aspect of the vehicle per applicable paragraphs
d. Instrument plate. Cover the finished surface of
of this chapter.
the instrument plate attached to the adjustable top of the
j. Instruments and equipment. Place each item
inner tower with cellulosic cushioning and overwrap with
and its accessories in the carrying case, container, or
polyethylene film. Secure the cover with tape.
chest provided and cushion with cellulosic cushioning.
e. Bolts, screws, and nuts. Coat with P-1.
Cushion and pack items without carrying cases or chests
f. Tower structural components. Nest structural
(needing the protection of a box) in fiberboard boxes.
angles of like description such as diagonals, horizontals,
k. Intermediate pack. Place components in the
verticals, and other members belonging only to the
storage cabinets, drawers, or chests and cushion with
same section of the tower to form a compact bundle of a
cellulosic cushioning. Pack components that cannot be
size most convenient for handling. Secure the bundles
placed in cabinets, drawers, or chests in fiberboard
with a 1l/4-inch metallic strapping. Place the two end
boxes and cushion with cushioning material.
straps onesixth the distance from each end of the
l. Packing.
Secure the mounted components
bundle. Use an additional strap when the distance
within the van with the locking devices provided.
between straps exceeds 30 inches. Place wood battens
Component parts that are free to move or rotate and are
under the strapping.
not provided with locking devices must be secured or
g. Intermediate pack.
Intermediate pack
cushioned to prevent damage during transit. Secure
components of set in the chests provided. Pack swivel
drawers, doors, storage cabinets, and chests with the
legs, anchor posts, and other small items in wood
closing devices provided and with metallic strapping.
Protect cabinet edges by placing fiberboard pads under
h. Packing.
Pack tower components in open
the strapping. Block, brace, and cushion intermediate
4-88. General
(1) Steel pickets.
Pack in triple-wall
Use instructions for similar-type items possessing the
fiberboard or wood boxes. Fit end of the box next to the
same physical and/or mechanical characteristics to
points with a wood block to prevent damage to either
preserve and pack bridging equipment not specifically
type box.
identified in this section. Bridge sets that are packed
(2) Bracing bolts, connector bolts, riband
will not be opened, and bundles will not be broken for
bolts, transom clamps, connector pins, sway brace pins,
tie plates, bridge pin retainers, and footwalk posts. Pack
in triple-wall fiberboard or wood boxes. Do not exceed
4-89. Bridge, Fixed: Highway, Steel, Bailey Type
weight limitation of the boxes.
(3) Chess. Place chesses face to face in
a. Unpainted, unprotected metal surfaces.
bundles of 14 each. Secure each bundle with three
Coat unpainted, unprotected metal surfaces of
1/4-inch metallic straps. Place 3 subbundles edge to
component items with P-1.
edge and consolidate into bundles of 42 chesses.
b. Nuts and cap screws. Pack preserved
Secure the bundle with four 1 /4-inch metallic straps.
Use metallic edge protectors under all metallic straps to
nuts and cap screws in fiberboard boxes.
protect the chess.
c. Luminous tape. Unit pack submethod IC-
(4) Bearing shoes. Pack bearing shoes, in
quantities of eight, in wood boxes.
d. Packing.
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