![]() TM 746-10
4-3. Air Compressors
4-1. General
Perform preservation of compressor prior to, or
Preservation and packing of utility and support
simultaneously with, the preservation of the power unit.
equipment not specifically identified in this section
Process the power unit per paragraph 4-5.
should be processed by using instructions for similar-
type items possessing the same physical and
a. Reciprocating compressors.
mechanical characteristics.
(1) Rated 200 pounds per square inch (psi) and
4-2. Maintenance and Repair Shop Equipment
with P-10, grade 30. Remove the air cleaners and pour
a. Machine tools installed in vans. Thoroughly
or spray 4 to 5 ounces of P-10, grade 30, into each air
cleaner connection. Start the compressor and, while
clean items such as lathes, drill presses, saws, and
operating, fog or spray an adequate amount of the same
grinders of dirt and exterior grease, and lubricate them
preservative oil into the first stage compressor section
with prescribed lubricants. Coat unpainted, exposed
until the preservative is observed in the final stage
machine surfaces with P-10. Wrap or cover the coated
discharge. Drain the excess preservative oil from the
surfaces with greaseproof barrier material and secure in
condensate separators while the compressor is
place with tape.
operating. Stop the compressor and reinstall the air
b. Portable electric tools. Coat unprotected metal
surfaces with P-10 and cover coated surfaces with
(2) Rated above 200 psi.
Fill compressor
greaseproof barrier material. Place in carrying cases, if
crankcase with P-10, grade 30. Start the compressor
provided, or package in fiberboard boxes.
and operate, without load, at normal operating speed for
30 minutes. At the end of the operating period and
c. Handtools, reamer sets, tap and die sets, etc.
before the compressor is stopped, open the drain valve.
(1) Individually wrap items with VCI in sets
Stop the compressor and, when the pressure has been
contained in cases and secure with tape. Place items in
completely released, close the drain valve. Purge the
their designated location in the case and seal with tape.
compressor stages for 1 hour with dry compressed air or
As an alternate, a single sheet of VCI may be placed on
nitrogen with a dew point of minus 40 or more. Close
top of the tools and the case sealed, as specified herein.
the valve on the downstream side of the receiver. Place
(2) If no case is provided, preserve tools, as
new cartridges in the cartridge holders and close the rain
specified above, and preserve unit pack submethod IC-
caps or covers.
1. Place tools in drawers, cabinets, or other storage
space within the van.
to operating level with P-10, grade 10. Start the
d. Tachometers, multimeters, voltmeters, electrical
compressor and operate at normal speed until it reaches
its normal temperature. Reduce the speed and operate
items in carrying cases provided or cushion and pack in
at a slow idle for approximately 3 minutes and then stop
fiberboard boxes.
the compressor.
e. Common handtools.
Preserve common
c. Air receivers. Fog with P-10, grade 30, the
handtools such as hammers, screwdrivers, chisels,
interior surfaces of air receivers on reciprocating
picks, and shovels by applying P-1 to unprotected,
compressors and rotary compressors when the air
ferrous metal surfaces.
receiver is located downstream on the dry side from the
air oil separators. Drain cocks will be left open.
f. Pneumatic tools. Coat interior surfaces of air
motors by injecting P-10, grade 30, into the air stream
d. Pressure regulation system.
Coat interior,
while operating the air motor until the preservative
ferrous metal surfaces with P-10, grade 10.
appears at the exhaust port. Cover the air inlets and
e. Openings.
Seal all openings into the
outlets with tape or a combination of tape and
compressor such as crankcase breathers, oil filter tubes,
greaseproof barrier material.
Coat unpainted or
and oil dipstick tubes with tape.
unprotected, ferrous metal surfaces with P-1.
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