![]() TM 746-10
specified in paragraph 4-84c, in wood, plywood, or triple-
scope. Cushion each item individually with cellulosic
wall fiberboard boxes.
cushioning and pack in fiberboard boxes.
h. Drafting instruments with cases.
instruments within cases with cushioning and unit pack
4-85. Surveying Sets
submethod IC-3.
i. Intermediate pack. Intermediate pack the set
a. Handtools. Preserve and pack handtools per
items with cellulosic cushioning to prevent damage or
b. Surveying
breakage. When no chests are included in the set,
Preserve and pack per paragraph 4-80.
intermediate pack small items in fiberboard boxes.
c. Printed forms, lens paper, writing pads, charts,
j. Packing. When the entire set is packed within
cloth tags, tracing paper, and cloth.
Unit pack
the chests provided, the chests will serve as shipping
submethod IC-3.
containers. Pack components of sets without chests in
d. Binoculars, hand levels, battery power supply,
fiberboard, wood, or plywood boxes, or in sheathed
thermometers, and lamps.
Cushion with cellulosic
crates, as applicable.
cushioning and pack in fiberboard boxes.
e. Taping stools. Coat threads of locking device
4-83. Repair Kit, Stereoplotter, Projection
with P-1. Cushion points of legs and pack in fiberboard
a. Machined and precision surfaces. Coat with a
f. Intermediate pack.
Intermediate pack set
think film of P-10. Wrap or cover the coated surfaces
components within the chests provided. Cushion items
with greaseproof barrier material and secure in place
with cellulosic cushioning to prevent damage and
with tape.
breakage. When no chests are included in the set,
b. Supplementary multiplex equipment.
intermediate pack small items in fiberboard boxes and
each item and its accessories in the chest or case
cushion with cushioning material specified herein.
provided and cushion with cellulosic cushioning. Secure
g. Packing. When the entire set is packaged
chests and cases with locking devices provided. Pack
within the chests provided, the chests will serve as
small cases in fiberboard boxes.
shipping containers. Pack components of sets without
c. Power cable. Coil electrical cable and secure
chests in wood, plywood, or triple-wall fiberboard boxes,
coils by tying or taping.
or in sheathed crates, as applicable.
d. Electrical connectors and fixed resistors. Unit
pack submethod IC-3. Package in quantities required
4-86. Topographic Mapping Sets, Truck-mounted
for the set.
e. Spectacles, stereoscope, weight gauge, variable
a. Rectifier. Coat exposed machined and precision
resistors, receptacles, nadirscope, and pressure plates.
Cushion with cellulosic cushioning and pack in
working parts with P-9. Wrap or cover the coated
fiberboard boxes.
surfaces with greaseproof barrier material and secure in
f. Repair parts and other components. Pack in
place with tape. Secure locking devices in lock position.
fiberboard boxes. Cushion item within the boxes with
Attach a tag containing the following information to the
cellulosic cushioning.
removable locking device for the lamp house and tiltlock
g. Packing.
Pack packaged and unpackaged
items in plywood, wood, or triple-wall fiberboard boxes.
b. Lens surfaces, plotting tables, and projection
4-84. Repair Kit, Surveying Equipment
easel. Cover or wrap with greaseproof barrier material
and secure in place with tape.
c. Contact printer. Deflate the air bags. Elevate
a. Handtools. Preserve and pack handtools per
the lids and block in place to prevent contact with the
rubber seals.
b. Brushes, chamois, cloth, and lens paper. Unit
d. Stereoscopes. Place in carrying cases provided
pack submethod IC-3.
and cushion with cellulosic cushioning.
c. Intermediate packs.
Intermediate pack set
e. Multiplex tables.
Place and secure each
components in fiberboard boxes. Cushion items within
complete multiplex table in the chest provided.
boxes with cellulosic cushioning.
f. Tracing tables.
Place and secure each
d. Packing. Pack intermediate packed items, as
complete tracing table with accessories in the carrying
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