![]() TM 746-10
4-69. Plate Coating Machine, Photolithographic
h. Packing. Pack each lineup table in a wood or
plywood box.
a. Exposed, machined metal surfaces.
working parts with P-9.
4-71. Paper Cutter, Guillotine
b. Drive belts. Release belt tension.
a. Unpainted, ferrous metal surfaces. Coat with
c. Electric motors, controls, and wires.
exposed ends of wires; electrical cables; plug openings;
b. Electric motors. Seal openings with tape.
and openings into motors, switches, junction boxes, and
c. Knives. Coat with P-1.
couplings with tape.
d. Air Filter, Remove, clean, coat with P-10, and
e. Intermediate pack.
Place knives in case
then reinstall.
Cushion spare knives with cellulosic
cushioning. Intermediate pack tools and knives in a
openings into the heating elements and blower with
fiberboard box.
greaseproof barrier material and secure with tape.
f. Packing. Pack each complete cutter in a wood
f Gears. Coat with P-ll.
or plywood box.
g. Packing. Pack each plate-coating machine in a
plywood or wood box.
4-72. Duplicating Machine, Offset Process
Clean and dry per paragraphs 3-3 and 3-4 and as
4-70. Table, Line up and Register
follows: Accomplish cleaning by brushing or wiping the
a. Exposed, machined metal surfaces.
unit with a soft bristle brush or solvent-saturated cloth.
surfaces such as clamps, gear tracks, straightedge,
Do not allow solvent to contact rubber, rubberized
carriages, retainers, and scales with P-ll. Wrap or cover
components, or fabric materials. Following the initial
coated surfaces with grease-proof barrier material and
cleaning process, clean critical surfaces such as steel
secure with tape.
rollers, drums, and cylinders with fingerprint remover
(MIL-C15074), after which, clean the surfaces a second
b. Ruling mechanism, ruling device holders and
time with solvent to remove any traces of fingerprint
accessories. Coat metal surfaces with P-ll, applied by
remover material.
brushing to prevent the preservative from contacting the
a. Exposed, machined metal surfaces.
ink pad and roll.
Wrap with grease-proof barrier
material, cushion with cellulosic or foam cushioning, and
working parts with P-9. Wrap or cover coated surfaces
place in table drawer.
with greaseproof barrier material, and secure in place
c. Lamp housing. Seal the fluorescent lamp,
with tape.
switches, and starter sockets with tape. Coat door
b. Enclosed gears and chains. Fill housings to
hinges and catches with P-9. Coil extension cable and
operating level with operating lubricants and operate to
secure with tape specified herein, cushion with cellulosic
ensure coating all internal surfaces.
or foam cushioning, and place in lamp housing.
c. Exposed chains. Coat with P-3.
d. Fluorescent lamps. Cushion with cellulosic or
foam cushioning and pack in fiberboard box. Place in
lamp housing and cushion to prevent movement.
a partially disengaged position to eliminate contact
e. Fluorescent lamp starters.
Package sub-
between disk facing and pressure plates. Completely
disengage snap-over-center and togglein type clutches.
method IC-3. Place in table drawer and cushion to
prevent movement.
e. Drive belts. Release tension.
f. Extra glass plates. Wrap each glass plate with
f. Gauges and indicators. Cushion with cellulosic
cellulosic or foam cushioning and secure with tape
cushioning material and secure with tape.
specified herein. Place each wrapped plate between
g. Rubber suckers.
Remove and unit pack
fitted pieces of class weather-resistant fiberboard of
submethod IC-1.
sufficient size to protect all surfaces and edges and
h. Intermediate pack.
Intermediate pack
secure with tape. Place cushioned glass plates on table
components and accessories in fiberboard boxes.
top and secure with tape.
i. Packing. Pack each duplicating machine in a
g. Locks and keys. Cover keyhole with tape. Coat
sheathed crate.
keys with P-ll, wrap with grease-proof barrier material,
and place in table drawer.
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