![]() TM 746-10
Do not use preservative oil or VCI to protect
unpackaged, and intermediate containers in the cab or
electrical items. Do not use VCI to protect
operator's compartment, if so equipped. If not, they
items that contain metals or a combination of
shall be secured in any available space on the basic unit
alloys other than ferrous materials unless
in a manner that will not increase cubage or interfere
otherwise specified in MIL-P-3420 or MIL-L-
with towing or lifting of the unit with slings. Accomplish
securing by metallic strapping. When the components
cannot be positioned on the unit, consolidate
e. Composite materials. Preserve parts and tools
components into wood or plywood boxes, triple-wall
which are constructed of composite materials that may
fiberboard boxes, or crates. Shroud items consolidated
combine such materials as steel, brass, and aluminum
into open crates with waterproof barrier material or
by applying P-9 preservative and overwrapping or
polyethylene film and secure in place with tape. Before
bagging with greaseproof barrier material. Use tape to
shipping, immobilize any movable equipment parts such
hold protective barriers in place.
as drum conveyors, revolving drums, shakers,
f. Unserviceable, economically reparable materiel
articulating frames, pivot axles, crane houses, or turrets
and ARIs. Ensure that unserviceable, economically
by installing stabilizing devices that were furnished with
reparable materiel is afforded sufficient preservation
the equipment.
and packing to prevent further deterioration or damage.
The item must be maintained in an "as is" condition
1 Mounted attachments.
pending reconditioning action.
Preserve and pack
attachments such as grader blades, bulldozer blades,
materiel as specified to the maximum extent possible.
and scarifiers approximately 8 inches above ground
Remove fuel injectors, spark plugs, covers, manifolds,
level so they will not interfere with the mobility of the
flanges, or plugs, as necessary, to accomplish the
Securing may be accomplished by locking,
required preservation when an inoperable engine is
cabling, or any other suitable means that will prevent
being packed. Openings which result from missing or
their dropping during storage or shipment. Cranes may
damaged components that allow entry of water to
be shipped with the booms attached provided they do
interior surfaces must be sealed with tape.
not interfere with towing or lifting and do not affect the
counter-weight position. Normally, when shipping a
truck-mounted crane, the point section of the boom is
3-4. Packing
removed and secured to the side of the engine
compartment. When shipping a rough-terrain crane, the
Packing is the assembling of items into unit,
point section of the boom is removed and banded to the
intermediate, or exterior packs with the necessary
base section of the boom. Blocking will be used to
blocking, bracing, cushioning, weatherproofing, and
prevent damage to the cab and engine compartment.
reinforcement. Guidance on container selection and
Attachments such as hook blocks may be banded to the
packing and the techniques used to accomplish
base section of the boom. However, for shipment out of
blocking, bracing, anchoring, and cushioning are
the theater of operations, it is necessary to consider
contained in TM 38-230-2. Container selection will be
removing the boom to reduce cube, particularly with
based on load level, characteristics of the item (weight,
crawler-mounted cranes because water transportation
size, configuration, adequacy of mounting provision,
charges are based on measurement ton (40 cubic feet)
criticality), and the degree of protection required for the
regardless of weight.
specific item.
a. For movement out of a theater of operations.
2 Removed attachments.
attachments such as booms, buckets, blades, catwalks,
(1) End items. Items that are wheel or truck
pile driver leads, shovel fronts, backhoes, and scarifiers.
mounted, weigh over 1,000 pounds, and can be moved
Nest and arrange component parts to form a compact
by towing do not require crating and shall normally be
Accomplish bundling by use of metallic
shipped in a mobile configuration. Items that are skid or
strapping and wood blocking.
frame-mounted, unmounted or wheel-mounted, and
weigh 1,000 pounds or less shall be boxed or crated for
(b) Boxed or crated items.
movement out of a theater of operations.
1 Items weighing 1,000 pounds or less.
Pack in wood or plywood boxes or single-, double-, or
(a) Mobile (unboxed) items.
triple-wall fiberboard boxes. Use close-fitting boxes and
handtools, manuals, publications, and component items
strap per requirements in TM 38-230-2 for the applicable
in the equipment tool box.
Pack components or
container. Utilize the chests
components that require additional container protection
in wood or plywood boxes, or in single-, 3-2 double-, or
triple-wall fiberboard boxes.
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