![]() TM 746-10
When possible, clean entire item without interruption.
3-1. General
When interruptions are necessary, provide temporary
protection to the areas that have been cleaned.
This chapter provides general instructions for
preservation, packing, and marking of retrograde Army
b. Optical elements and assemblies.
materiel to ensure adequate protection against
exposed surfaces of optical elements or assemblies in
corrosion, deterioration, and damage.
the following manner:
chapters prescribe the detailed preservation and
packing requirements for end items and their
(1) Wipe surface to be cleaned with cotton lens
recoverable repair parts. Certain packaging precautions
paper, NNN-P-40, or clean cheesecloth which is
and methods of cleaning, drying, unit protection, types
saturated with alcohol.
of preservatives, and their methods of application are
described in TM 38-230-1.
Only lens tissue paper, NNN-P-40, or batiste
3-2. Disassembly
cloth will be used to clean plastic elements.
The surfaces will be dried by wiping with clean
Unboxed, serviceable retrograde materiel and
cotton, lens paper, or clean cheesecloth.
unserviceable, economically reparable retrograde
materiel should be disassembled, as practical, to
(2) Immediately after cleaning, wrap or cover
achieve maximum reduction in cube prior to movement
the optics with lens paper. Secure wrap with tape or
to a POE Parts which are vulnerable to damage and
cover with fungus-resistant plastic caps.
pilferage and projecting parts whose removal will
accomplish reduction in cube should be removed. The
c. Mobile equipment. Free exterior and interior
removed bolts, nuts, screws, pins, and washers should
surfaces including chassis, hulls, turrets, cabs, and
be placed in one of the mating parts and secured. The
bodies of all dirt, grease, and other contaminants.
removed parts that are vulnerable to pilferage should be
Accomplish removal by any method which will not
placed in the basic issue item pack. Parts removed
damage equipment and components. Wash off mud
from equipment should be matchmarked to facilitate
and dirt and remove stones and debris from suspension,
reassembly. Removed parts and the matching parts
wheels, and tracks. Do not direct stream of water or
that remain on the disassembled items should be
steam under pressure against mounted air cleaners,
identically stenciled (matchmarked) by letters or
generators, starters, distributors, magnetos, or against
numbers if those parts are large enough to accept
openings between hull and turret (turret ring), grills,
stenciling. When parts are too small to accommodate
exhaust deflectors, fire control, or armament. Complete
stenciling, information should be placed on cloth
the cleaning of surfaces which are to be preserved or
shipping tags attached to mated parts.
sealed by using the appropriate cleaning solvent.
d. Ferrous materials. As prescribed in TM 38-230-
3-3. Preservation
1, preserve ferrous steel and iron parts and tools by
thoroughly cleaning the items and then coating them
Preservatives and their application and the methods and
with the applicable preservative.
If an oil-base
materials used in packaging are described in TM 38-
preservative is used, thoroughly drain the excess from
230-1 and are set forth in this and succeeding chapters
the coated surface. Approved alternate methods of
for specific Army materiel.
preserving ferrous parts or tools are by brushing VCI
a. General. Cleaning and drying methods and
liquid directly on the item or by wrapping the part with
processes are described in TM 38-230-1, and their basic
VCI-treated material. Table A-1 contains procurement
requirements are given in MIL-P-116. Cleaning must be
information and lists the applicable specifications. Wrap
thorough and may be accomplished by any method
the preserved item in a waterproof shroud, bag,
which is not detrimental to the condition of the item.
polyethylene film, or greaseproof barrier material, as
Disassembly must be held to a practical minimum.
applicable, to provide protection against entry of water,
Immediately after cleaning, thoroughly dry items to
to restrict free movement of air, and to contain VCI
remove cleaning solution or residual moisture.
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