![]() TM 746-10
collect the diazinon dust as the individual items or packs
ing shipment of retrograde cargo, consult the Command
are removed from the containers. Remove dust from
Surgeon's Office. Obtain technical assistance and
each pack.
advice regarding these instructions from the Command
Surgeon's Office.
2-2. Safety Instructions
(2) After contents have been removed and
cleaned, vacuum the inner surfaces of the container to
Ensure that personnel involved in applying the dust,
remove remaining dust.
strips, and bait blocks wear gloves, protective clothing,
(3) Remove rodenticide bait blocks during
and respirators as recommended by the Command
Surgeon or Command Engineer.
(4) Place all dust and bait blocks in separate
2-3. Decontamination of Retrograde Materiel
closed metal containers for collection and proper
disposal by the Command Engineer.
Insecticide and rodenticide materials must be collected
(5) Ensure that personnel involved in removing
and disposed of during the unpacking operations.
the dust and bait blocks adhere to the safety instructions
These materials must be removed from all containers
specified in paragraph 2-2.
before individual items are unpacked or equipment is
processed. This includes all containers that have been
(6) Immediately notify the Command Engineer
treated with diazinon dust or dichlorvos strip insecticides
or Command Surgeon of any living or dead insects,
and all containers that have red tape extending through
rodents, or other animals that are found during
a container opening or have red tape extending from a
unpacking operations.
block or blocks of diphacinona-paraffin rodenticide.
These pest treatment materials shall be removed before
b. For removal and disposal of dichlorvos strips
unpacking of the contents and shall be collected and
and bait blocks
disposed of as follows:
(1) Remove dichlorvos strips and bait blocks
during the unpacking operation.
a. For removal and disposal of dust and bait
(2) Place all strips and bait blocks in separate
blocks -:
closed metal containers for collection and proper
disposal by the Command Engineer.
(1) When opening a container treated with
diazinon dust and rodenticide, vacuum clean to
(3) Ensure that personnel involved in removal
of the strips and bait blocks adhere to safety instructions
specified in paragraph 2-2.
(4) Immediately notify the Command Engineer
or Command Surgeon of living or dead insects, rodents,
or other animals that are found during unpacking
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