![]() TM 746-10
Attach the strips to the ceiling of containers and into
2-1. Preparation for Quarantine Inspection
areas with the greatest amount of open space. The 2-
a. When materiel is to be returned to CONUS,
inch strips should be used at the rate of 3 per CONEX
preparation for quarantine inspection shall be
and a minimum of 12 per SEAVAN, MILVAN, and
accomplished as follows:
closed trailer.
(1) Completely clear soil from all equipment
(2) One 8-ounce rodenticide bait block of
and containers when loading on ships or aircraft.
diphacinona-paraffin should be used for each 5 linear
(2) Clear all containers including CONEX
feet evenly spaced throughout the length of the
transporters, SEAVANs, and MILVANs of all spilled
container. Extend the red tape from the block nearest
grain, foodstuff, or soil before loading with retrograde
the opening to the outside so that the tape is clearly
cargo or returning empty to CONUS.
(3) Inspect wood containers and packing
material for termites, wood borers, or other insect
In the event vans or trailers are loaded with
infestation before packing in larger containers or loading
containers that have already been treated, use
on ships or aircraft. Under no circumstances will
infected wood or packing material be used.
3 bait blocks evenly spaced throughout the
length of the vans or the closed trailers.
(4) Inspect all containers and packaging
Extend the red tape from the block nearest the
material prior to packing to ensure the absence of any
door to the outside so that the tape is clearly
insects or animals.
(5) Use only authorized packaging material. Do
not use native grasses or fibers. Stow all packaging
d. Prepare the retrograde aircraft for quarantine
material to prevent infestation by insects or rodents.
inspection as follows:
b. Treat all box and crate-type containers as
(1) Use 2-inch dichlorvos strips for insect
control in aircraft that have been sealed while being
(1) Apply diazinon dust, 2 percent, 684000-753-
processed for return to CONUS. Dichlorvos strips of
5038 (unit of issue 25-lb pail), to the interior of each
varying lengths may be available, and the number of
container at the rate of 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
strips should be varied accordingly. For example, one
Do not exceed this amount. Evenly apply insecticide to
5-inch strip can be used instead of three 2-inch strips, or
the floor and surface of the containers. The application
one 10-inch strip can be used instead of six 2-inch
shall be spread toward the walls and upper corners to
strips. The insecticide strips will be used as follows:
help reduce the transporting of quarantinable pests or
insects. Dust can be applied with either a manually
operated, rotary fan duster, 3740-00-132-5935, or a
5-inch strip
2-inch strip
manually operated, tubular pump, 3740-00-132-5936.
0-1, U-1, U-6, OV-1
The latter is preferred for use with smaller boxes.
U-8, U-21
(2) Rodenticide should be used in 8-ounce bait
blocks of diphacinona-paraffin, 6840-00-089-4664 (unit
When multiple numbers of strips are used, suspend
of issue 20-lb box), in containers of more than 10 cubic
them in different sites rather than in a single location.
feet. Place one block near the center of each container.
(2) One 8-ounce rodenticide bait block of
Extend the red tape attached to the block to the outside
diphacinona-paraffin should be placed near the door of
of the container so that the tape is clearly visible when
the aircraft. Extend the red tape that is attached to the
the container is closed.
block to the outside of the aircraft so that the tape is
c. Treat CONEX containers, SEAVANs, MILVANs,
clearly visible when the door is sealed.
or closed trailers as follows:
e. Treat tanks, trucks, shelters, and all other large
(1) Attach
items of equipment per c above.
insecticide, 6840-00-142-9438 (unit of issue 144 per
case), to the interior of each closed container at the rate
f. In the event the instructions given above are at
of 5 linear inches of strips per container.
variance with the command regulations regard-
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