![]() TM 746-10
d. Scale, beam indicating.
Coat unprotected
c. Removed components. Secure components
surfaces with P-9 and wrap with greaseproof barrier
removed for reduction of cube to the unit.
material. Cushion with cellulosic cushioning and pack
overpacking of the curing machine, finishing machine,
individually in fiberboard boxes.
or spreader is required.
e. Cloth, graph paper, filter paper, test paper, color
chart, filter ring, and gloves. Unit pack submethod IC-3.
4-62. Pile-driving Rig
f. Shaking machine and hot plate.
Pack in
Coat unprotected surfaces of the basic pile-driving rig
fiberboard boxes and cushion with cellulosic cushioning
including structural members, booms, leads, and
to prevent movement or damage.
components with P-1.
Structural members and
fabricated section may be packed as loose pieces or
g. Other components. Pack larger components for
bundled in secure lifts with metallic strapping to facilitate
which no space is provided within the chests in
handling. Bundle planks and timbers in secured lifts
fiberboard boxes.
with the strapping specified herein.
h. Intermediate packs. To the maximum extent
miscellaneous small parts in plywood, wood, or triple-
possible, place components of each set in the chests
wall fiberboard boxes.
provided and cushion with cellulosic cushioning to
prevent movement or damage. Pack set components
4-63. Batching Plant, Cement
that cannot be accommodated within the chests in
Completely disassemble the batching plant per
intermediate fiberboard boxes. Waterproof seal chests
and boxes with tape.
a. Unpainted, unprotected metal surfaces. Coat
i. Packing.
Pack set components packed in
components of the batching plant, drive chains,
fiberboard boxes in plywood, wood, or triple-wall
fiberboard boxes.
The chests will not require
gates, brackets, framing, linkage, or any other surface
exposed by disassembly with P-1.
Rock Crushing, Screening, and Washing
b. Exposed, exterior machined surfaces. Coat with
P-10. Wrap or cover coated surfaces with greaseproof
a. Engines, electric motors, and pumps. Preserve
barrier material and secure in place with tape.
per applicable paragraphs of this chapter.
c. Scale.
Coat unpainted, unprotected metal
b. Unpainted, unprotected metal surfaces. Coat
surfaces with P-1. Cushion components with cellulosic
components such as drive chains, sprockets, tie rods,
cushioning material and pack in wood box.
clevises, couplings, coil springs, shafts, hopper, chutes,
d. Engine.
Preserve engine per applicable
feeders, jaws, screens, brackets, framing, linkage,
paragraphs of this chapter.
ratchets, pauls, pins, washers, nuts, bolts, or any other
e. Disassembled components. Bundle items of
surface exposed by disassembly with P-1.
like description, (i.e., structure, operator's platform,
c. Exposed, exterior machined surfaces. Coat with
ladder, storage bin, and elevator) in quantities most
P-10 or P-11 and wrap or cover coated surfaces with
convenient for handling with 1 -inch metallic strapping.
greaseproof barrier material. Secure in place with tape.
Pack all other component parts in wood or plywood
d. Drive belts and conveyor belts. Release tension
from all belts.
4-64. Test Sets, Asphalt, Concrete, Soil
e. Wire rope cables. Coat with P-1.
a. Unprotected machined surfaces. Coat surfaces
f. Electric power cables. Wind and secure on
with P-10 and cover with greaseproof barrier material.
b. Stopwatches, indicators, tape measures, and
g. Electrical components. Seal openings into the
thermometers. Cushion each item individually with
control panels, junction boxes, switches, instrument
cellulosic cushioning and unit pack submethod IC-3.
panels, and the exposed ends of electric wiring with
c. Drafting scales, porcelain dishes, glass
cylinders, level and plumb, porcelain mortars and
h. Instruments. Cover glass of instruments not
pestles, jars, or other fragile items. Protect each item
protected by a housing or cover with cushioning and a
individually with cellulosic cushioning and secure with
fitted piece of -inch plywood. Secure in place with
i. Piping equipment. Coat all threads with P-1.
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