![]() lowest point so that all water will drain from the drum.
Coat the drain plug threads and the opening threads
4-58. Jetting Set, Portable
with P-1. Place plug with parts in the tool box.
a. Pipe fittings and nozzles. Coat unprotected
c. Engine, gears, chains, trailer, and other
surfaces with P-1, wrap with greaseproof barrier
Preserve per applicable paragraphs
material, and secure with tape. Pack in fiberboard
4-55. Extractor, Pile, Pneumatic, or Steam
with P-1, wrap with greaseproof barrier material, and
secure with tape. Coil cotton hoses and pack together in
Preserve and pack per applicable paragraphs of this
a fiberboard box.
chapter and as follows:
c. Steel pipe. Coat unprotected surfaces with P-1,
a. Cylinder. Fog extractor cylinder through air or
wrap with greaseproof barrier material, and secure with
steam-intake opening with P-10. Seal openings into the
interior of the cylinder with tape.
d. Packing. Bundle uncoiled hoses and steel pipe
b. Pipefittings. Coat threads with P-l, wrap with
in secured lifts with metallic strapping. Overpack all
greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
other packed items in a plywood, wood, or triple-wall
4-56. Paving Machine, Bituminous Material.
fiberboard box.
a. Unprotected surfaces.
Coat unprotected
4-59. Drier Mixers, Bituminous-concrete
surfaces such as levers, rollers, spreader screws, screed
Preserve and pack per applicable paragraphs of this
plates, screed extensions, tamper bars, and cutoff shoes
chapter and as follows:
with P-1.
a. Heater, fuel tank, pump, lines, and burner.
b. Burner. Completely drain burner, and coat
Drain fuel tank and fill with P-10. Actuate the pump to
interior surfaces of the pump, piping, valves, and burner
ensure complete coverage of all interior surfaces of the
with P-10.
pumps, lines, and burner jets. Drain preservative and
c. Systems vehicle. Clean, dry, and preserve
close drain openings.
power trains, brakes, suspensions, steering, and all
other portions of the mobility aspect of the pavers per
material and secure in place with tape.
applicable paragraphs of this chapter.
c. Hose cable and drum. Unreel cable; and coat
4-57. Mixer, Rotary Tiller
cable and drum with P-1. Rewind cable on drum and
a. Additive pump. Coat interior surfaces of pump
secure to prevent unwinding.
with P-10 through the inlet opening while the pump is
d. Trailer chassis.
Preserve per applicable
actuated. Allow excess preservative to drain, close
paragraphs of this chapter.
shutoff valve, and install dust cap.
4-60. Melter, Asphalt, Skid-mounted
b. Rotor and tines. Coat unpainted surfaces of
rotor and rotor tines with P-1. Place extra set of tines in
a. Piping and fittings. Coat interior surfaces with
the tool box.
P-10. Coat exterior, unprotected surfaces with P-1.
c. Hose. Install dust cap on hose and secure on
b. Hose assembly.
Coat unprotected metal
the mixer with metallic strapping.
surfaces of couplings with P-1. Seal ends with tape.
d. Speed indicator. Lock speed indicator ground
c. Dedrumming tunnel. Coat unprotected metal
wheel in raised position.
surfaces with P-1. Place dedrumming tunnel inside tank
and secure with devices provided.
e. Spraybar. Coat unpainted, exterior surfaces
with P-1 and leave shutoff valves open.
4-61. Concrete Curing and Finishing Machines and
f. Systems vehicle. Clean, dry, and preserve the
power trains, brakes, suspensions, steering, and all
Preserve and pack per applicable paragraphs of this
other portions of the mobility aspect, and the pump
chapter and as follows:
engine of the mixer per applicable paragraphs of this
a. Unpainted, exterior surfaces. Coat with P-1.
b. Pumps and spray heads. Coat interior surfaces
of pumps, ferrous metal surfaces of spray head, and
nozzle with P-10 in a manner to ensure thorough coating
of all interior parts and surfaces. Seal openings into
pumps with tape.
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