![]() TM 746-10
After preservative has dried, wrap all exterior threads
for handling with 1/4-inch metallic strapping. Pack pipe
with greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
fittings in wood, plywood, or triple-wall fiberboard boxes.
Bundle piping in secured lifts in quantities most suitable
cushion with cellulosic cushioning and pack individually
in fiberboard boxes.
Use instructions for similar-type items possessing the
i. Lens plate. Dip in P-9, drain, and individually
same physical and/or mechanical characteristics to
wrap the grease-proof barrier material.
Pack in
preserve and pack printing, duplicating, and bookbinding
fiberboard boxes.
equipment not specifically identified in this section.
j. Curtains. Coat unpainted metal frames with P-
1. Coat roller ends with P-9 and wrap in greaseproof
4-67. Camera, Copying, Lithographic
barrier material. Pack sets of curtains in fiberboard
a. Machined and precision metal surfaces. Coat
k. Electrical components. Seal all openings into
unprotected surfaces of components with P-11. Wrap or
electric motors, rheostats, and transformers with tape.
cover coated surfaces with grease-proof barrier material
I. Packing. Pack each camera, with components
and secure with tape.
packaged as specified in paragraph 4-67, in a MIL-C-
b. Other unprotected metal surfaces.
104, type I, class 2, style A crate.
unpainted, unprotected metal surfaces such as coil
springs, structural members, bolts, nuts, and similar
4-68. Photocopying and Processing Machine
components with P-1.
c. Negative holders with adjustment mechanism;
a. Machined and precision metal surfaces. Coat
positive holders with clamps and screen holders. Coat
surfaces such as gears, chains, sprockets, and rails with
all exterior, unpainted metal surfaces and all interior
metal surfaces with P-9. Wrap or cover coated, exterior
b. Non-precision metal surfaces. Coat unpainted
surfaces with grease-proof barrier material and secure
metal surfaces with P-1.
with tape.
c. Lens and prism assembly. Remove lens and
d. Lensboard, copyboard and bellows carriages,
prism assembly with the lens cap in place and cushion
and lensboard and copyboard-frame assemblies. Coat
with cellulosic or foam cushioning wrap, minimum 1-inch
reduction gears, counter mechanisms, and ball-bearing
thickness, to prevent breakage.
rollers of the carriages with P-9. Coat unpainted metal
Pack in a fiberboard box and waterproof seal
surfaces of the bellows carriages and copyboard-frame
with tape (fig 4-3.).
assemblies with P-1. Unit pack the carriages and
d. Lamp assemblies.
Remove, cushion with
assemblies individually by sub-method IC-1.
cellulosic or foam cushioning, and individually pack in
fiberboard boxes (fig 4-4).
e. Glass. Individually wrap ground glasses, with or
Do not allow preservative to
without frames, with grease-proof barrier material.
contact electric motors, resistors,
Provide a minimum of 3-inch thick cellulosic cushioning
electric wiring, or control cables of
on all surfaces of the glass. Pack individually in wood or
the carriages or felt backing
plywood boxes.
around the lens-plate bearings.
f. Intermediate pack. Place packed and unpacked
components (except basic units and glass) in a wood
e. Glass.
Cushion all glass components with
Cushion and block components to prevent
cellulosic cushioning and package in fiberboard boxes.
movement within the box.
f Pumps. Coat interior surfaces including rotors,
g. Packing.
Pack each photocopying and
shafts, vanes, pistons, cooling systems, and air
reservoirs with P-10.
components in a MIL-C-104, type I, class 2, style A
g. Electric wiring systems. Seal exposed ends of
crate. Internal blocking and anchoring will include
terminals, wires, plugs, opening of wiring harnesses, and
necessary cribbing to support the focusing rack.
junction boxes with tape.
h. Lamp assemblies, hoss and hose fittings,
lenses, and gauges. Cover lenses with lens paper and
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