![]() TM 746-10
equipment log book shall be completed for major
When mixed and dispensed together, the
equipment utilizing, as applicable, either of the
resulting material expands and forms around the item
inside the container to provide cushioning or blocking
(1) DA Form 2258.
and bracing.
(2) DD Form 1397. The log book shall be
c. Recycled foam. Recycled or scrap foam may
packaged per the provisions of submethod IC-4 and
be used if the foam is of the same approximate density
shall be securely attached in or on the equipment. For
as that of freshly dispensed foam. Scrap foam may be
each major item that is preserved and processed, the
used for blocking or filler but should not exceed 50
appropriate form, as described above, will be prepared
percent of the total foam volume. Its use should be
in duplicate according to the preparation instructions for
minimal, and it should never be used as a filler for
each, and all applicable entries will be made. One copy
technique VII packs of MIL-STD-1191. It is most
of the completed form will be placed in a waterproof
appropriately used for positioning an item.
d. Unit protection.
Unit protection such as
"Deprocessing Record" and will be attached to the
preservatives, wraps, and barriers shall be that which is
steering wheel or other operator control on the
required for the individual items as specified in
equipment. When packing spare engines, it shall be
packaging instructions for reparables (para 3-3f) and per
placed on top of the engines. The second copy will be
placed in the package containing the equipment log
e. Dispensing equipment. Any equipment may be
book and will be marked to show that the copy is inside.
used to mix and dispense the foam chemicals provided
the quality of the finished foam meets MIL-F-83671
q. Other marking requirements.
General and
requirements and the dispensing equipment conforms to
specific marking requirements provided herein have
been given to assist support units in performing the
f Foaming conditions. All of a component's
most often used, routine marking procedures when
surfaces and wraps and the void areas to be foamed
shipping and handling retrograde and recyclable
shall be conditioned and maintained at a constant
materiel. However, these requirements do not cover
temperature range of 60 to 100 . Chemical ingredients
every marking instance. When further direction is
shall not be exposed to temperatures other than those
needed to correctly mark containers, refer to MIL-STD-
recommended by the equipment supplier. Foamed
surfaces shall be free of grease, oil, loose particles,
moisture, and all other foreign matter.
3-6. Form-in-Place (FIP) Packaging
g. Platens. Platens or load-bearing supports shall
be used as cushioning for sharp-ended items in order to
a. General.
FIP may be used to package
prevent these type items from penetrating the foam and
economically reparable materiel when it has been
to prevent the items from shifting (fig 3-21).
determined that FIP can afford adequate protection
h. Techniques. MIL-STD-1191 lists the following
during shipment and for 180 days maximum storage
eight FIP techniques:
after considering the item(s) size, weight, and degree of
(1) Split pack, standard.
fragility. All three classes of foams (flexible, rigid, and
(2) Split pack, alternate.
semirigid) that are used for FIP are excellent materials
(3) Split pack, inverted.
for cushioning or blocking and bracing. They should be
(4) Foam in bag.
considered when-
(5) Special technique, modified.
(1) The original container is damaged or
(6) Preformed molding.
(2) The original blocking, bracing, cushioning,
(7) Foamed container.
or any other dunnage is damaged or missing.
(8) Encapsulated pack.
(3) The use of FIP would be more cost
effective than the use of other cushioning materials. It
The most common techniques for field level application
shall never be used for items that are susceptible to
are the split pack alternate, the split pack standard or
damage from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) because
inverted, and the encapsulated pack. The split pack
urethane foams are a generator of ESD. Additionally,
standard technique is the same as the split pack
items that are susceptible to damage or deterioration
inverted technique except that the blocking is not
from exotherm temperatures of 150 or above shall
removed and the item is not inverted in the standard
never be packaged using FIP techniques.
technique (fig 3-22).
b. Polyurethane foam. Polyurethane dispensing
foam is a two-part (designated A and B) chemical.
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