![]() TM 746-10
fastened to the inside door or access wall of the
(1) DD Form 1574 and DD Form 1574-1.
Materiel that is serviceable (issuable without
qualification, issuable with qualification, or priority issue)
(2) Shipment units of multiple line items. One
shall be conspicuously marked with either DD Form
copy of DD Form 1348-1 must be placed in a PPP-E-
1574 (Serviceable Tag-Materiel) or DD Form 1574-1
540, class 4, water-resistant envelope in such a manner
(Serviceable Label-Materiel). The tag and the label
that the NSN is visible.
should have yellow margins and letters. While it is
(a) The bag must be attached to the
preferable to have the lettering be the same color as the
package applicable to each requisition by either
border, there may be cases when printing is not legible,
transparent tape or masking tape.
especially in poorly lighted warehouses.
In these
(b) When a polyethylene bag is used to
instances, black lettering may be used. To assist in
group a single item for packing, DD Form 1348-1 will be
identification, a 1by 5-inch yellow stripe may be printed
placed in that bag.
on the back of each tag.
(c) At least one copy applicable to each
(2) DD Form 1577-2 and DD Form 1577-3.
requisition shall be placed in a water-resistant envelope
Materiel that is unserviceable (limited restoration,
and shall be attached to each multipack container.
reclamation, or incomplete) shall be conspicuously
(d) For overseas shipments, the water-
marked with either DD Form 1577-2 (Unserviceable
resistant envelope must be further protected with an
(Repairable) Tag-Materiel) or DD Form 1577-3
envelope protector marked on the outside with the
(Unserviceable (Repairable) Label-Materiel). Both the
words "Materiel Release/Receipt Documents." (e) When
tag and label should have green margins and letters. To
this procedure is used, DD Form 1348-1 serves as the
assist in identification, a 1by 5-inch green stripe may be
packing list.
printed on the back of each tag.
(3) Alternate method of attaching papers
(3) DD Form 1577 and DD Form 1577-1.
which accompany a shipment onto fiberboard boxes.
Materiel that is unserviceable (condemned or scrap)
DD Form 1348-1 may be attached to fiberboard boxes in
shall be conspicuously marked with either DD Form
the following manner:
1577 (Unserviceable (Condemned) Tag Materiel) or DD
(a) Prior to sealing the box, the papers
Form 1577-1 (Unserviceable (Condemned) Label-
are placed in a water-resistant envelope.
Materiel). Both the tag and label should have red
(b) The envelope is placed under the
margins and letters. To assist in identification, a 1by 5-
flaps of the box so that the open end flap of the
inch red stripe may be printed on the back of each tag.
envelope extends down the end of the box under the
(4) DD Form 1575 and DD Form 1575-1.
closure tape.
(c) The words "PAPERS HERE" in
classification, returns awaiting classification, or stocks
letters half an inch high must be placed on the tape
held pending negotiation or litigation) shall be
directly over the envelope containing the papers. This
conspicuously marked with either DD Form 1575
method of attachment is required for registered parcel
(Suspended Tag-Materiel) or DD Form 1575-1
post shipments.
(Suspended Label-Materiel). Both the tag and label
should have brown margins and letters. To assist in
identification, a 1by 5-inch brown stripe may be printed
o. Materiel condition code markings and authorized
on the back of each tag.
forms. Materiel condition tags or labels shall be used
(5) DD Form 1576 and DD Form 1576-1.
whenever the possibility exists that materiel may
Serviceable materiel that requires testing, alteration,
become mixed in shipment or storage or when evidence
modification, conversion, or disassembly prior to issue
is necessary for materiel control and the prevention of
shall be conspicuously marked with either DD Form
duplicate inspections. Condition codes are defined in
1576 (Test/Modification Tag Materiel) or DD Form 1576-
DOD 4000.25-2-M and are implemented by specific
1 (Test/Modification Label-Materiel). The tag or label
departmental directives. The tags and labels described
should have blue margins or letters. To assist in
below are authorized for use in identifying the materiel
identification, a 1by 5-inch blue stripe may be printed on
or indicating the condition(s) of the materiel to which
the back of each tag.
they are attached.
They should not be used
indiscriminately on serviceable materiel that does not
present a shipping or storage problem. One tag or label
p. Other required record forms for major items
should be applied to the item, and one should be applied
(retrograde and recycled materiel). As discussed in
to the shipping container. If several items or unit packs
are placed in a single shipping container, then each item
or unit pack must be labeled or tagged.
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