![]() TM 746-10
to protect the unit and intermediate packs and contents
c. Unserviceable,
during shipment and storage. This can be a unit pack or
retrograde materiel.
Unserviceable, economically
a container with any combination of unit or intermediate
reparable materiel that is to be returned to the supply
system for repair or disposal.
d. Intermediate pack.
An interior pack which
d. Unserviceable materiel to be recycled.
contains two or more unit packs and bears adequate
Unserviceable materiel to be moved within a theater of
identification of its contents.
operations for repair or disposal.
e. Marking. The application by stamping, printing,
or painting on a container, tag, or item the necessary
1-6. General Packaging Operations
information to identify the item or contents such as stock
number, nomenclature, quantity and unit of issue, level
a. Disassembly. Unboxed, serviceable retrograde
of preservation and the date preservation was
materiel and unserviceable, economically reparable
performed, or any other special information required.
retrograde materiel should be disassembled, as
When applied to containers of retrograde or recyclable
practical, to achieve maximum reduction in cube prior to
materiel, original identification, precautionary, and
movement to a port of embarkation (POE). Parts
special handling markings shall be perpetuated
vulnerable to damage and pilferage and projecting parts
whenever possible.
whose removal will accomplish reduction in cube should
f Packing.
Assembling of items into unit,
be removed. The removed bolts, nuts, screws, pins,
intermediate, or exterior packs with necessary blocking,
and washers should be placed in one of the mating parts
and secured. The removed parts that are vulnerable to
pilferage should be placed in the basic issue item pack.
b. Matchmarking. Parts removed from equipment
placing a number of packages on a low portable
should be matchmarked to facilitate reassembly.
wooden, metal, or fiberboard platform for the purpose of
Removed parts and the matching parts that remain on
handling as a complete shipping unit. A palletized load
the disassembled item should be identically stenciled
may be shipped independently or loaded into another
(matchmarked) by letters or numbers if those parts are
container. It is also a basic method of unitization.
large enough to accept stenciling. When parts are too
h. Preservation.
The application of adequate
small to accommodate stenciling, information should be
protective measures including the use of appropriate
placed on cloth shipping tags attached to mated parts.
cleaning procedures, preservative materials, protective
c. Cleaning and drying. The cleaning of items by
wrappings, barrier materials, cushionings, interior
any of the approved processes is a prerequisite to the
containers, and complete identification markings up to,
success of subsequent preservation and packaging
but not including, the exterior shipping container.
operations. Cleaning must be thorough and cause no
i. Unitization.
Assembly of packs (unit,
injury to the item. Disassembly must be held to a
intermediate, or exterior) of one or more line items of
practicable minimum. After cleaning, items will be
supply into a single load so that the load can be handled
thoroughly dried to remove cleaning solutions or
as a single unit through the distribution system.
residual moisture. Methods of cleaning and drying are
Unitization (unitized loads/unit loads) encompasses
described in TM 38-230-1, with the basic requirements
consolidation in a container, placement on a pallet or
listed in MIL-P-116.
load base, or binding packs securely together.
d. Lubrication for preservation.
j. Unit pack. The first tie, wrap, or container
retrograde materiel and serviceable materiel which is to
applied to a single item, multiple thereof, or a group of
be recycled will be lubricated in accordance with the
identical items with the same stock number which
applicable lubrication order. All exposed oil can points
constitutes a complete and properly identified pack.
such as levers, latches, hinges, control rods, and
linkage, will be lubricated with preservative oil, P-9.
Parts will be manipulated to ensure thorough coverage.
1-5. Materiel Terms
Equipment cleaned by processes which remove
previously applied lubricants or contaminate previously
a. Serviceable
applied lubricants will be relubricated. Unserviceable,
Serviceable materiel that is to be stocked and reused
economically reparable, major end items and
within the theater of operations.
b. Serviceable retrograde materiel. Serviceable
materiel that is to be returned to the supply system for
modification, repair, redistribution, or disposal.
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