![]() TM 746-10
substitution of packaging materials can be made only if
1-1. Purpose
the substitute materials provide equal or better
This technical manual is for use as a guide for the
protection than those prescribed by this manual (see
effective preservation and packing of serviceable and
app C for authorized substitutes).
unserviceable economically reparable materiel by
personnel of direct support units and general support
b. Packing. Guidance in the packing of materiel
The packaging procedures and instructions
may be found in TM 38-230-2. The manual contains
provided will prevent damage to items in transit and will
detailed guidance on packing operations including
protect items from corrosion and deterioration for a
proper use of exterior shipping containers, assemblage
maximum of 180 days. The instructions apply to
of items or unit packs into the shipping container,
materiel processed as retrograde or recycled and
anchoring or blocking and bracing of materiel,
shipped by land, sea, or air.
cushioning of items or unit packs within the container,
and weatherproofing and strapping the exterior shipping
1-2. Scope
container. As prescribed by TM 38-230-2, the selection
This manual covers the general processes and
of exterior containers should be based upon the physical
procedures to be followed for the proper packaging of
characteristics of the item and the item's shipping
destination, with emphasis placed on container weight
economically reparable retrograde materiel, serviceable
and dimensional limitations.
and unserviceable materiel to be repaired and recycled,
c. Repackaging. Packaged materiel will not be
and automatic return items (ARI). The term "packaging"
unpacked to satisfy the requirements of this manual
is used here in a general sense to refer to all the
when a sample inspection reveals that the protection is
operations of preservation, packing, and unitization, as
adequate for issue within a theater or movement out of
defined below, that protect materiel from damage and
a theater.
1-4. Packaging Terms
1-3. References
Definitions for preservation and packing terms, which
Throughout this manual, packing materials, equipment,
include materials, processes, and methods, may be
processes, and methods are often referred to by their
found in ASTM standard D996 and AR 700-15.
common names together with the applicable
Definitions of packaging terms used in this manual are
specification, standard, or other publication symbol. For
listed alphabetically as follows:
ease in referral, those publications referenced in this
manual are listed at the end of appendix A. Copies of
specifications and other documents required by
closely related to unitization, refers to the actual bringing
activities of the Defense Logistics Agency, the
together (assembly) of like or unlike items for unitization
Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and the
and subsequent shipment.
Marine Corps may be obtained by writing to:
b. Containerization. Containerization includes the
Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4D, 700
use of a class of large, van-like transport containers to
Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.
unitize cargo for transportation, supply, and storage. It
Specific references for packaging terms are-
is a basic method of unitization. Containers include the
military-owned demountable container (MILVAN)
a. Packaging and preservation references. The
commercial- or Government-owned (or leased) shipping
packaging and preservation instructions in this manual
container (SEAVAN), or the container express
refer to the designations, identifications, and symbols for
(CONEX). The definition of containerization may be
cleaning methods, drying procedures, preservatives,
expanded when referring to the placement of
and methods of preservation designated in TM 38-230-
commodities into paperboard, fiberboard, plywood, or
1. Some examples are cleaning processes C-1 and C-
wirebound plywood consolidation containers before
3, drying procedures D-1 and D-4, preservative
loading into transport containers.
applications P-9 and P-10, and methods of preservation
c. Exterior pack. A container, bundle, or assembly
III and IC. Accomplishment of these methods and use
which is sufficient by design and construction
of designations shall be per TM 38-230-1. If the
referenced preservatives, barrier materials, cushioning
materials, and tapes are not readily available,
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