TM 55-2350-272-14
5-6. Transport on M172A1 Semitrailer
b. Materials. Adequate blocking and tiedown materials are provided by the shipping activity (table 5-3).
c. Loading. The M973 may be driven onto the M172A1 by use of the trailer ramps or a suitable substitute. Once
the M973 is in position, the transmission control must be placed in neutral. Parking brakes must be set.
d. Tiedown. Figures 5-5 and 5-6 show the M973 blocked and tied down on the M172A1 semitrailer. Figure 5-7 is a
diagram of the shoring required for the M172A1 semitrailer, and figure 5-8 is a turning diagram for the M172A1 semi-
trailer. Tables 5-3 and 5-4 are the bill of materials and application of materials used for blocking and tiedown of the
M973 on the M172A1 semitrailer.
Figure 5-5. Side elevation, tiedown of the M973 on the M172A1 semitrailer.
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