TM 55-2350-272-14
c. Loading. The M973 may be placed in the tiedown position on a semitrailer by a crane of adequate capacity (5-
ton minimum), or it may be driven onto the semitrailer provided that a suitable ramp is available. When the M973 is in
the tiedown position, the transmission control must be placed in neutral. Parking brakes must be set.
d. Tiedown. Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 show the M973 tied down, in accordance with standard loading practices, so
the load will be adequately restrained against forces encountered at normal speeds and operating conditions.
e. Turning Diagram. Figure 5-4 is a turning diagram for the M127A1 semitrailer towed by the M818 truck-tractor.
Figure 5-4. Turning diagram for the M127A1 semitrailer towed by the M818 truck-tractor.
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