fit against the aircraft ramp skid plate. Construc-
5-7.2. Preparation for Transport on
tion and application instructions are given in
C-141 Aircraft
a. Preparation for transport on C141 aircraft is
deck height of 40 to 48 inches and a minimum
a difficult and time consuming task. It requires
capacity of 44,000 pounds. The 24th ID (M) uses
reducing the vehicle to a height of 103.7 inches,
the M172A1 semitrailer because it is also trans-
width of 117 inches, and GVW of 44,000 pounds.
portable on a C-141B aircraft. Upon arrival at the
The 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort
destination, a semitrailer must be available to
Stewart, Georgia, has developed a procedure for
unload the BFVS.
b. Shoring is required when loading and offload-
preparing the M2A2 for C-141B transport, The
ing the BFVS. The shipping unit must provide the
U.S. Air Force approved this procedure and
MTMCTEA concurs. Their procedure appears in
shoring in accordance with TO IC-141B9.
c. The shipping unit will assist the aircraft
loadmaster/crew in loading and tying down the
the C141B aircraft from a semitrailer. Shoring is
B F V S . The USAF will provide the tiedown
used to support the aircraft ramp while loading
the BFVS. The top piece of shoring is modified to
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