TM 55-2350-252-14
Section I . GENERAL
a. Personnel must not refuel or otherwise ser-
5-1. General
vice the BFVS within 50 feet of the aircraft.
The BFVS is air transportable on a C-5 and C-17
b. Personnel will wear ear protection (plugs) at
aircraft in its operational configuration and on a
all times while working on the flightline.
C-141 if reduced to 44,000 pounds GVW. The
c. Fire extinguishers will be readily available
BFVS exceeds dimensional and/or weight limita-
during aircraft loading and unloading operations.
tions for all other aircraft. Variables such as
d. The vehicle maximum speed is 5 mph when
weather, airfield characteristics, and distance to
within 25 feet of an aircraft. The maximum speed
destination affect total cargo loads and operating
on loading ramps or inside an aircraft is 3 mph.
ranges. TM 38-236/AFR 71-8 provides general
e. The fuel tank will not be more than one-
guidance on total cargo loads and operating
fourth full for transport on the C-141 aircraft and
ranges. For specific guidance, contact the nearest
three-fourths full for transport on the C5 aircraft.
Air Mobility Command (AMC) activity.
f. The driver must allow adequate time for the
The shipping unit must ensure that the carrier is
transmission fluid to warm prior to placing the
properly prepared for air transport before reaching
transmission in gear. If the fluid is not warm, the
the marshaling area. The shipping unit will assist
vehicle may move forward when shifted into re-
the aircraft loadmaster/crew in loading and tying
down the BFVS. It is the responsibility of the
5-3. Hazardous Material
shipping unit to provide shoring material.
The shipping unit must provide written notifica-
5-2. Safety
tion before shipping dangerous or hazardous mate-
Besides the general safety notes in section 1-6, the
rials aboard military or Department of Defense
following safety considerations and precautions
(DOD) contract aircraft. Specific instructions can
be found in TM 38-250/AFR 71-4 or in CFR 49.
apply for air transport:
e, Placing gun elevating mechanism in the neu-
5-4. USAF Cargo Aircraft
tral position.
The BFVS is certified for airlift on the C-5, C-17,
f. Removing all trash and mud from the vehicle
and C141 aircraft.
5-5. US Army Aircraft
g. Checking for fluid leaks and repairing any
The BFVS exceeds weight and dimensional limita-
h. Inspecting the engine, brakes, and tiedown
tions for transport on US Army fixed-wing aircraft
provisions, and repairing any defects.
and US Army rotary-wing aircraft.
i. Disconnecting the battery.
5-6. Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)
j. Closing and locking all hatches to protect
The BFVS exceeds weight and dimensional limita-
vehicle from pilferage.
tions for transport on all CRAF aircraft.
5-7. Preparations for Airlift
Preparation for transport on C-17 aircraft
5-7.1. Preparation for Transport on
could change as the aircraft comes into
C-5 and C-1 7 Aircraft
BFVS preparation for transport on C-5 and C-17
Shoring is required when loading and offloading
aircraft include:
the BFVS. The shipping unit must provide the
a. Removing external antennas.
shoring in accordance with TO IC5A-9.
b. Removing the gun barrel and securing it
The shipping unit will assist the aircraft load-
inside the vehicle (optional).
master/crew in loading and tying down the BFVS.
c. Securing all loose items.
The USAF will provide the tiedown materials.
d. Locking the turret.
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