TM 55-2350-252-14
the tasks and line drawings from the manuals.
D-1. Introduction
The BFVS may be transported on a C-141 aircraft
D-2. Disassembly
if it does not exceed a height of 103.7 inches, a
Note: Before beginning disassembly, refer to
width of 117 inches, and a total weight of 44,000
pounds. To meet this requirement, several items
1. Front hull armor plate (a three-person opera-
must be removed from the M2, M2A1, M3, and
tion). Using two people, loosen lower front hull
M3A1 vehicles. Even more items must be removed
armor 15/16-inch bolts. Remove lower front hull
from the M2A2 and M3A2 vehicles.
armor. Reinstall four each lower front hull armor
This appendix gives detailed guidance on how to
bolts for stability. Then loosen upper left front hull
meet the requirements for an M2A2 vehicle. These
armor plate bolts while one person holds center
guidelines can be adapted to meet the require-
plate in place with feet. Remove upper left plate.
ments for the different BFVS and the operational
Remove 15/16-inch bolts from center plate and
needs of the military unit.
remove left center plate. Repeat steps for right
To deploy M2A2 vehicles on a C141, significant
2. Mine armor plate. Insert hydraulic jack under
disassembly of the vehicles is required. This docu-
vehicle and raise the jack to stabilize mine armor
ment details the specific disassembly and assembly
plate. Remove 15/16-inch bolts. Lower jack with
procedures. The Immediate Ready Company (IRC)
three people holding plate in place and roll jack
Mechanized Infantry Platoon is to disassemble and
and plate out from under vehicle.
reassemble the BFVS unsupported except for what
3. 25mm battle/feeder and receiver assembly. Un-
they carry with them. For optimum efficiency, the
lock barrel lock in front of feed assembly. Twist
infantry platoon leader should divide the platoon
barrel in opposite direction of arrow and remove.
into three teams--two hull teams and a turret
For feeder and receiver assembly, adjust barrel
team. Except where noted, the teams perform their
elevation to position 25 roils. Unlock feed tray
tasks at the same time. The platoon deploys with a
mechanism. Use a two-person lift and twist re-
6,000-pound forklift and operator from the Mecha-
ceiver in a counterclockwise motion. Align the
nized Support Battalion Supply Company and two
slotted indents with receiver lugs and slide re-
portable A-frames and chain hoists (which are
ceiver out, using an upward and out motion.
themselves disassembled for deployment) and a
Secure in black box, using straps. Screw cover onto
2.5-ton hydraulic jack per M2A2.
Once disassembled, the BFVS components are
4. Air intake grill. Using two people and a hoist,
shipped on USAF 463L pallets, labeled A and B.
loosen 3/4-inch bolts. Remove grill, making sure not
The A pallet consists of components that are
to damage rubber seal.
required to render the vehicle combat capable. The
5. Engine access cover. Using a three-person lift
platoon could, in an emergency, fight the BFVS
and a hoist, remove two each -inch bolts from the
after assembling only the A pallet items. The B
engine access door and install lift and eye mount.
pallet consists mostly of the armor plates, along
Loosen 15/16-inch bolts and remove engine access
with the remainder of the items to make the
door (during the lifting of the engine access door,
BFVS complete. Components are stored on both
be careful not to damage the outer seal).
pallets with the heaviest items toward the center
6. Side skirt armor. Three people are required for
and the other items distributed evenly around the
this job. Two hold the skirt in place while the
pallet allowing a 2-inch margin around the edge.
third loosens the 11/16-inch bolts. The skirt is
Hard to identify items are numbered both on the
then removed by the two people holding it.
part removed and on the place it goes on the
7. Cargo hatch. Using two guide people and a
M2A2 with a permanent marker. These numbers
hoist, loosen 15/16-inch bolts and remove hatch
appear in the text. Obvious items, such as hatches,
slowly. Remove six each shims.
are not numbered.
8. Driver's hatch. Using two guide people and a
hoist, loosen three each 15/16-inch bolts and re-
Wherever possible, the text has been augmented
move hatch slowly. Remove shims and spacers.
with photographs of the IRC soldiers carrying out
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