![]() TM 55-2320-258-14
(3) The provisions of chapter 1, TM
3-1. General
38-250/AFM 71-4 must be complied with as they
General safety considerations and precautions for
pertain to the ether-starting fluid cylinder on the
handling and movement of the HET and C-HET
HET and the C-HET systems tractor.
systems are as follows:
b. Highway.
a. Check to insure that all loose items are ap-
(1) Do not allow personnel on trailer bed during
propriately secured to prevent damage during
loading or unloading operations.
(2) CONUS movement is subject to all safety
b. When backing the HET and the C-HET
laws, rules, and regulations applicable to com-
systems or maneuvering in close areas, insure that a
mercial carriers. In oversea areas movements are
ground guide is provided.
governed by theater and local regulations.
c. Observe operating and handling procedures
(3) Do not conduct loading or unloading
specified in T M 9 - 2 3 2 0 - 2 5 8 - 1 0 , T M
operations on side or lateral slopes exceeding 10 per-
9-2330-294-14, and TM 9-2320-270-10.
cent or with a tractor-to-trailer offset angle greater
d. Fire extinguishers must be readily available
than 50. Avoid loading on a severe downgrade to
during all loading and unloading operations.
prevent the payload from rolling forward on the
e. Proper ventilation must be provided during
loading and unloading operations if the truck-
c. Water.
tractor engine is operated. Prolonged inhalation of
(1) The provisions of C o d e o f F e d e r a l
exhaust fumes will produce adverse effects that
R e g u l a t i o n s , Title 46, "Shipping," subpart
could prove fatal.
146.21-65 apply when the ether-starting fluid cylin-
f. Do not allow the HET or the C-HET system to
der is shipped with the truck-tractor, M746, and the
exceed 3 miles per hour (walking speed) on loading
truck-tractor, M911.
ramps or inside aircraft.
(2) If ammunition is to be transported with the
system, compliance with AR 55-228, and Water
Carriers' Tariff No. 32 or reissues thereof is man-
Specific safety requirements for each mode of
transport are as follows:
(3) Personnel must be cautioned not to walk un-
a Air.
der items being lifted.
(1) Truck fuel tanks must not be less than or
(4) All lifts should have at least two tag lines at-
more than full.
tached for use in controlling swing of the lift while
(2) The activity offering the system for air
transport will notify the aircraft commander or his
designation representative if ammunition or ex-
plosives are to be transported within the system.
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