![]() TM 55-2300-258-14
to DA Publications and Blank Forms) and for-
warded to Director, Military Traffic Management
a. This manual provides transportability guid-
Command Transportation Engineering Agency AT-
ance for logistics handling/movement of the heavy-
TN: MTT-TRP, PO) Box 6276, Newport News, VA
equipment transporter system, also referred to as
23606 (electrically transmitted messages should be
the HET and the C-HET system.
b. The intent of this manual is to provide trans-
portation officers and other personnel responsible
for movement or for providing transportation ser-
1-3. Safety
vices with information considered appropriate for
Appropriate precautionary measures required
safe transport. Significant technical and physical
during movement of the heavy-equipment trans-
characteristics, as well as safety considerations
porter are contained in chapter 3.
required for worldwide movement by the various
modes of transportation, are included. Where con-
sidered appropriate, metric equivalents are given in
Throughout this manual, warnings, cautions, and
p a r e n t h e s e s following dimensions or other
notes emphasize important or critical guidance.
measurements. References are contained in the ap-
They are used for the following conditions:
a. Warning. An operating procedure or practice
that, if not correctly followed, could result in per-
sonal injury or loss of life.
b. Caution. An operating procedure or practice
The reporting of errors, omissions, and recom-
that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage
mendations by the individual user for improving
to or destruction of equipment.
this manual is encouraged. Reports should be sub-
c. Note. An operating procedure that must be em-
mitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
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