TM 9-8140-381-14&P
d. Remove fungus growth as follows:
Variations of standard maintenance
methods, or a combination of methods, outlined in this
(1) Prepare a solution of alcohol and water
section may be required under certain circumstances.
(60 to 70 percent alcohol).
Such variations or combinations may be used as
required, depending on materials available, degrees of
(2) Wipe fungus-affected areas with a clean
disassembly, time element, military situation, or
cloth moistened with alcohol and water
personnel safety factor.
A1-1.2. Organizations authorized overhead hoists
may use them where necessary (or helpful) to perform
(3) Inspect painted surfaces. If damage to
operations in this manual.
paint has resulted from fungus growth,
paint in accordance with procedures in
Components specified herein will be
touched-up, including markings as required, using paint
of the same color as original equipment as issued or on
hand. However, the shade of the touch-up paint need
not be the exact shade of original material.
The following procedures are for
Expendable materials authorized for painting, cleaning,
area stripped to base material. If an
preserving, and other maintenance-related operations
item or area has intermediate
for components are listed in this appendix. However,
preservation coats exposed, only
list should not be considered as furnishing a mandatory
those procedures necessary to
stockage list or anything similar. Units should only
complete the method need be
requisition expendables insofar as they are able to
receive, store, maintain, and utilize same.
a. Remove corrosion from metal surfaces by
sanding with medium grade abrasive (aluminum
Lubrication procedures, if required, are given in the
oxide, 100 grit or equivalent). A wire brush may
paragraphs for specific components. Other than stated
also be used.
in these paragraphs, lubrication is not authorized.
b. Clean surface with FREON, MIL-C-81302,
and allow to dry.
a. Remove foreign material such as rust and
corrosion from metal surfaces by using abrasive
c. When repainting, apply two coats of primer
paper or wire brush. Prevent particles from
(TT-P-664). Allow at least 25 minutes air-dry
entering exposed openings (tiedown holes and
time between coats. Apply one or two coats of
openings in steel box sections in cages or bolt
enamel (MIL-E-15090) gray (recommended, but
holes in the security locking devices). Wipe
not required). Allow at least 2 hours air-dry time
surfaces with a clean cloth moistened with
per coat.
cleaning compound.
d. For items painted with chemical agent resistant
b. Remove foreign material such as grease or oil
coating (CARC) refer to the appropriate weapon
from unpainted surfaces using a clean cloth
systems organizational maintenance manual for
moistened with cleaning compound.
painting and marking touch up procedures and
to the appropriate general support maintenance
manual for procedures on complete repainting
c. Remove foreign material such as mud, salt,
and remarking.
water, grease, or oil from painted, marked
surfaces or rubber with a clean cloth moistened
with detergent and water.
Avoid trapping
detergent and water in interior areas.
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