TM 9-6685-202-14
screw in the bottom of the cistern (fig. 3-1). Use a
5-1. Shipment and Limited Storage
clean screwdriver, inserted through the cistern lid.
a. Responsibility. When shipping the barometer,
the officer in charge of preparing the shipment will be
Do not overtighten the mercury
responsible for furnishing the materiel in a serviceable
locking screw. Overtightening can
condition and properly processed for shipment, including
damage the valve seat.
the preparation of Army shipping documents.
b. Army Shipping Documents. Prepare all Army
shipping documents in accordance with TM 38-750.
(4) Replace the cistern nipple (or micrometer)
with the cistern shipping plug, together with its gasket.
c. Preparation for Shipment. Materiel removed
from storage for shipment need not be reprocessed
(5) On the type A-1, close the tube seal valve
unless inspection reveals it to be inadequately
and cover the end of the tube evacuation nipple with the
preserved or when it is necessary because of
top of a medicine dropper or similar cover.
anticipated in-transit weather or shipping conditions.
(6) On the modified barometer, remove the
Preservatives must not be removed or disturbed unless
evacuation manifold and cover the end of the tube
necessary to insure that the materiel is complete and
evacuation port with a 3/8-inch tubing cap or suitable
serviceable. If preservatives are removed, they must be
restored prior to shipment.
(7) Remove the barometer from the mounting
d. Preparation for Limited Storage. To prepare
platform by releasing the two socket head screws.
the barometer for limited storage, wipe the scale and
(8) Remove the batteries.
thermometer rods, and the edges of the scale and cam
(9) Wrap the magnifier and micrometer and
bar with a soft cloth to which a few drops of instrument
place them, the cistern nipple, and the squeeze pump in
oil, specification MIL-L-6085, have been applied. If
the shipping case.
physical damage is not likely to occur during storage,
the barometer can be stored in its normal position with
f. Interior Packaging. For interior packaging, a
the mercury retained in the cistern. Use the procedure
wooden box 6 inches high, 8 inches wide, and 45 inches
for preparing the barometer for shipment, paragraph 5-1
long, is used. The box is constructed with 3/4-inch
e below, omitting removal of the mounting platform,
Group 1 wood sides and ends, and 5/16-inch plywood
step (7). Protect the barometer from dust and dirt by
bottom and top. The barometer is supported inside the
covering it with the plastic dust cover provided. If
box by a two-piece yoke, one inch thick, with a
damage is likely to occur during storage, carry out
semicircle cut in each half. The yoke is positioned
provisions of paragraph 5-1e completely and package it
approximately eight inches from one end of the box.
in its inner container in accordance with paragraph 5-1f.
The other end of the box is drilled to receive the two
e. Preparation for Shipment.
Dismantle the
socket head screws which fasten the barometer to its
barometer for shipment in the following manner:
mounting platform.
With the mounting platform
(1) Release the vacuum in the barometer
removed, these screws are used to secure the base to
the end of the box. After preparing the barometer,
(2) Tilt the barometer over backwards to get
package it as follows: (1) The barometer, mounting
all the mercury in the cistern. Support the top of the
platform, and micrometer shall be individually wrapped
barometer to maintain this position.
in waxed paper conforming to MIL-B121, Type II, Grade
(3) Remove
A, Class 1.
micrometer) and securely close the mercury locking
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