TM 9-6685-202-14
(2) Place desiccant, in accordance with MIL-
(2) Creped-cellulose wadding at least four
D-3464, next to the wrapped barometer and mounting
inches thick shall surround the mounting platform.
(3) Secure the top of the container and mark
(3) Place the barometer, mounting platform
for shipment. The marking shall indicate, "Barometer
and micrometer in moisture proof bags.
Metric Mercurial, Altitude Test, Type A-1 or Barometer,
Metric Mercurial, Modified"; and "Delicate Instrument,
(4) Evacuate air from the bags and heat seal
Handle with Care."
the openings.
(5) With only the lower half of the yoke in
place, position the barometer in the box.
5-2. Destruction of Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use
(6) Attach the base to the end of box with the
This section covers methods of destroying materiel,
two mounting screws. Use rubber washers where the
when in danger of imminent capture, in order to prevent
screws penetrate the moisture proof bag.
enemy use.
(7) Place the upper half of the yoke over the
a. General. In the event that the barometer can
wrapped barometer and nail in place.
not be removed in time to avoid imminent capture by
enemy forces, it should be destroyed to prevent enemy
(8) Attach the top of the box.
b. Destruction by Mechanical Means.
g. Exterior Packing. A cleated plywood box is
barometer is a delicate instrument and can readily be
used as an outer container.
The box should be
rendered unserviceable by smashing the precision bore
approximately 22 inches high, 24 inches wide, and 70
barometer tube and mercury cistern. Remove or bend
inches long. A waterproof liner should be provided
and twist the vernier scales, scale bar, or vernier slide.
inside the container. The interior box is centrally packed
Twisting these items out of shape will make it
within the outer container as follows:
impossible to obtain accurate readings. Scatter the
(1) A minimum of eight inches of creped-
mercury, and burn instruction books. A number of blows
cellulose wadding shall be placed on all sides and ends,
with a hammer or other instrument will render it useless
between the boxed barometer and the exterior
to any enemy. Scatter or bury spare parts and similarly
container. A 16- by 16-inch plywood square is attached
destroy any associated equipment.
to either end of the inner box to distribute the load on
the cellulose wadding.
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