![]() TM 9-6685-202-14
(a) Prepare the barometer for use as
Keep pipet tip slightly above mercury
specified in paragraph 3-5.
surface when removing mercury.
(b) Pour approximately 6-1/2 pounds of
This will help skim off impurities that
triple-distilled mercury into a clean filtering flask MS-
may have accumulated during the
filling operation.
Always remove
(c) Remove the cistern nipple, install
pipet completely from cistern when
antisplash tube 7913094 into bottom of cistern nipple,
checking scale zero since the
and reinstall the nipple in the cistern.
vacuum source will cause a slight
(d) Connect the barometer, filtering
pressure differential between the
flask, and glass trap to the vacuum pump as shown in
cistern and barometer tube.
(f) Reinstall the cistern nipple and
tighten it securely.
(2) Type A-1 Modified
MI (C) 6685-202-14-4-2
Figure 4-2. Installation of mercury-(type A-1 modified).
reinstall cistern nipple securely.
(e) Operate the vacuum pump until 50
microns is indicated on the vacuum gage with both
(i) Excess mercury can be removed
valves open.
from cistern in accordance with paragraph 4-5 b (1) (e)
(f) When this pressure is reached, tilt
the filtering flask over slowly to let the mercury run down
c. Checking the Computing-Correcting Mechanism
the side of the tube. Add mercury to bring the level up
(Type A-1 only). The computing-correcting mechanism
to zero on the main scale.
should be checked when the barometer is originally set
up, thereafter every 6 months, or any time the
(g) Deenergize the vacuum and slowly
barometer has been subject to damage. Fastened to
raise the pressure to ambient on the cistern and
the sighting ring slide is a vernier strip which, with the
barometer tube.
applied correction
(h) Remove antisplash tube and
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