![]() TM 9-6685-202-14
3-4. Installation of Batteries
(a) Using a sturdy table, tilt the barometer
over backwards (cistern side down) until the tube and
Batteries are not shipped with the instrument and
scale are approximately horizontal. Support the top of the
should be procured by the using activity. Two BA-30, type
barometer to maintain this position. The cistern will be
C, dry cells, Federal stock number 6135-120-1020(which
below the tube and slightly more than half full of mercury.
fit a standard flashlight), are required.
The mercury locking screw will be visible in the bottom of
the cistern.
(b) Remove the off-center hexagonal
head shipping plug nearest the mercury tube in the cistern
hand side of the mounting platform.
(c) Insert a clean screwdriver through the
b. Insert the battery screw in the tapped hole in the
shipping plug hole and unscrew the mercury locking screw
end of the battery tube. Pull out the battery tube.
in the bottom of the cistern (fig. 3-1) until it is stopped by
the small shouldered stop screw at its edge. This valve is
c. Insert the batteries into the tube with the center
left open and is closed only when sealing mercury in the
terminal of each battery pointed toward the closed end of
cistern for shipment.
the tube. Reinstall the battery tube in the mounting
platform and lock it in place with the battery screw.
Do not remove the small shouldered
3-5. Preparation for Use
stop screw or the mercury locking
a. Type A-1. A power-driven rotary vacuum pump
is supplied with the barometer to provide the barometer
(d) Replace the shipping plug with the
with a suitable vacuum source which will reduce the
cistern nipple (fig. 1-2), making sure there is no dirt on the
pressure to at least 100 millitorrs (0.1 mm).
cistern lid or nipple gasket.
See paragraph 3-7 for pump operation. To operate as a
calibrating pressure measuring instrument, a controlled
Be sure to install the nipple gasket or
source of at least 20 pounds per square inch gage
the cistern will leak.
pressure is also required. The barometer achieves its best
accuracy and ease of reading when installed in a well-
lighted, well-ventilated, or air-conditioned room.
(e) Tighten the cistern nipple securely
with approximately 30 pounds pull on an eight-inch
wrench. Clamp off the end of the rubber tubing connected
to the nipple with the clamp provided.
If possible, use clean or filtered sir
when operating the instrument to
avoid contamination of the mercury or
(f) Connect a tube from the vacuum
frequent clogging of the cistern nipple.
pump to the tube-evacuation nipple (fig. 1-2). With the
cistern nipple tube clamped off, start the vacuum pump
The instrument should be placed at a point of minimum
and open the tube seal valve by turning the tube seal knob
vibration, near a wall or supporting column allowing at
least 10 square feet of floor space. A sturdy table about
barometer. This lifts the ball valve from its seat inside the
30 inches high is desirable.
glass tube. If the barometer is being set up after shipment
or storage, allow the pump to evacuate the tube and
cistern for at least two hours before proceeding to the next
It is not necessary to fill the barometer
step. This will remove any traces of moisture which may
have gotten into the tube during shipment or storage.
with mercury on delivery from the
manufacturer since it Is already filled
and the mercury locked in the cistern
(2) Preliminary Adjustments. When all traces
by the mercury locking screw.
of moisture have been removed from the barometer tube,
perform the following preliminary adjustments to prepare
accordance with the instructions
the barometer for use:
specified in paragraph 4-5b.
(a) While the pump is running, move the
(1) Removal of Moisture. To remove traces of
barometer so that the bottom of the base is even with the
moisture which may have entered the barometer tube
edge of the table.
during shipment, proceed as follows:
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