ARMY TM 9-6650-235-13&P
(1) General. The marking of optical elements
c. Marking Parts During Disassembly. As each
part is removed, it may be necessary to return that part
has a double purpose. It aids in the assembly of the
to its exact original position. Its exact position, in relation
instrument by indicating the original position of the
to the assembly, should be established by making
element in relation to other elements.
reference marks. Never make marks on threads or
(2) Lenses. The prime purpose for marking
bearing surfaces. Optics may be marked as specified in
lenses upon disassembly is to establish a guide by which
the lenses can be assembled in their proper relative
d. Removal of Burrs. Movable components of the
position. This mark should consist of a "V" inscribed on
M3 Borescope must operate smoothly. Small burrs can
the uncoated surface (edge) across all the elements of a
be removed with a knife-edge oilstone. If the burr is
compound lens. The point of the "V" should be directed
larger, a jeweler's file can be used to reduce it until it is
toward the cell when assembling. The marking can be
practicable to use an oilstone. Clean parts after filing or
done with an indelible pencil. In addition, the lenses
honing, taking care to remove all metal particles and
should be lettered and numbered to indicate the
abrasives and install the component in the assembly.
assembly and the sequence in which they are placed in
the instrument. For example: eyepiece assembly should
e. Conversion of Decimals to Fractions. See
be marked with an "E". Optical instrument lenses should
be marked "1", optical instrument field lenses "2", etc.
The numbering system aids in preventing improper
replacement of the lenses that are similar in appearance
and easily mistaken for each other.
a. Installation of Lenses. It is very important that all
lenses in the M3 Borescope are properly installed. Refer
to figure 5-1 (page 5-11) for the M3 Borescope optical
a. Schematic Diagrams. Figure 5-3 (page 5-13)
and figure 5-4 (page 5-14) are schematic diagrams of
system. Ensure the lenses are facing the proper direction
the electrical system of the M3 Borescope. Refer to the
during reassembly.
schematic diagram to ensure proper connection of the
wiring during reassembly of the individual assemblies of
the M3 Borescope. Figure 5-2 (page 5-12) is a schematic
Never touch the coated surface of
diagram of the 115-V electrical power cable assembly
and the 24-V electrical power cord adapter assembly.
b. Handling Optics When Removed. When optics
b. Internal Wiring. All internal electrical wiring in
are to be laid aside, each must be wrapped in a piece of
the M3 Borescope is 18 gage. If a wire is damaged, refer
lens paper (item 10, app D). When storing optics, always
to the maintenance instructions for the respective
clean and wrap them completely in lens paper (item 10,
component. Instructions for fabricating new wire are in
c. Marking of Optical Elements.
c. External Wiring. The 24-V electrical power cord
adapter assembly and the 115-V electrical power cable
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