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Logic (Sch. #0102-5139-04)
The Logic unit contains all the basic timing and gating circuits necessary to derive the precision time
base and to sequence the internal functions. Also, as part of this unit, are the display time generator,
reset gate and start-stop gating logic. For convenience of discussion, the logic unit will be considered to
consist of three basic sections: a Time Base Generator section, Start-Stop and Count Gate Generator
section, and a Display and Reset section. Throughout the text reference to Z numbers indicates the
particular IC unit under discussion with the dash number signifying a particular input or output.
A. Time Base Generator
The source of the internal time base generation is a crystal controlled 1 MHz oscillator Y1 and Q2. A
trimmer capacitor C11 is used for exact frequency setting. This adjustment is set at the factory and
will require only occasional resetting as aging of the components takes place. The output of the
oscillator feeds NAND gate IC Z12-12 and 13 where the signal is amplified and squared for
submission to the gating and scaler IC's.  When using an external signal for the time base
generation, the 1 MHz crystal oscillator signal is gated off and is replaced by the signal connected to
the EXT. T. B. connector. This is accomplished by activating gate Z37-13 (Internal) or Z13-4
(External). Signal gates determine the proper selection of the signal to be fed to the Time Base Gate
Z14-2 as enabled by the setting of the function selector switch. The basic 1 MHz oscillator frequency
(and externally applied reference) is initially divided by 10 through Z16. Signal gates enable the
proper signal by application of a positive potential (Logic "1") to the NAND gate control input. The
desired clock frequency is selected by the setting of the X1, X10, X100, X1000 multiplier switch
which enables the proper output from the prescaler decade IC's Z17, Z18 and Z38 by applying a
positive signal to the appropriate section of gate Z15 or gate Z37-10.
Time Base gate Z14 will be opened when the count gate signal at pin 1 is high (discussed in Section
B following). With Z14-1 enabled, the pulses arriving at pin 2 of Z14 proceed into the decade scaler
system (Z19 through Z34). The count will continue to accumulate in the decade scalers until such
time as the Count Gate signal changes from high to low (see Timing Chart Fig. 4-1). This level

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