TM 9- 2990- 205- 34&P
0005 00
Check End Play. End play is the distance the rotor shaft travels in and out of the bore in the bearing housing.
Check the end play by performing the following steps.
1) Clean the turbine wheel hub.
2) Secure the turbocharger and attach a dial indicator (1) to the turbine housing (or other flat surface) with a
clamp or magnetic base holder. Position the indicator plunger on the turbine wheel hub (2).
3) Move the turbine wheel in and out as far as possible and check the distance traveled on the indicator.
If there is lubricating oil in the bearing housing, the initial end play reading could be inaccu-
rate. To ensure that an accurate reading is obtained, you should move the turbine wheel in
and out several times to displace the oil before taking the end play reading.
4) Total end play must be greater than 0.004 inch and less than 0.006 inch.
3. Corrective Action. Any broken or damaged components discovered during the visual checks should be marked for
repair. If no additional problems are found during inspection or are indicated on the repair tag, you should
thoroughly clean the turbo (WP 0007 00), replace the broken or damaged components, and return the unit to
service. For all other problems, refer to Table 2--1, Troubleshooting guide.
Checking radial movement.
Checking end play.
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