TM 9-2920-257-30&P
Generator Inspection Procedure (fig. 3-1).
(1) Inspect drive end housing assembly (21) and anti-drive end
Apply electrical tests to drive
housing (9) for cracks and broken parts.
end housing assembly in accordance with instructions in table 2-1.
(2) Inspect stator (19) for charred or damaged winding end turns.
(3) Inspect rotor (14) for loose slip rings and for dirt or carbon
film on slip ring brush surfaces.
I n s p e c t for damaged threads on both
ends of shaft.
Apply electrical tests to rotor in accordance with
instructions in table 2-1.
( 4 ) I n s p e c t b r u s h h o l d e r ( 1 0 , f i g . 3 - 3 ) and two brush assemblies (9,
fig. 3-3) for cracks and broken parts.
C h e c k brushes for wear length
according to figure 37.
(5) Inspect the connector assembly (4, fig. 3-2) for loose pins in
r u b b e r grommet and for damaged connector threads.
to connector assembly in accordance with instructions in table 2-1.
(6) Inspect fan (2) for cracks and broken parts.
(7) Inspect slideable bushing (13) for wear and tight fit in
anti-drive end housing (9).
B u s h i n g should not move within housing with
hand pressure.
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