TM 9-2920-257-30&P
To loosen stator terminal block insulator from inside of drive
e n d housing, it may be necessary to tap on drive end housing in
an upward direction using a plastic mallet.
(g) Remove drive end housing assembly (21) upward off stator (19)
a n d t e r m i n a l b l o c k i n s u l a t o r ( 2 0 ) , a n d place on workbench with rectifiers
f a c I n g upward.
(h) Remove terminal block insulator (20) from stator terminal
( i ) Remove stator (19) from anti-drive end housing (9), and place
o n workbench so that winding end turns are not in contact with workbench
( 9 ) R e m o v e i n s i d e s e a l , b a l l bearing, and outer seal from drive end
housing assembly (fig. 3-1).
Care must be taken to ensure that all rectifier leads are inside
F a i l u r e to do so may result in damage to
housing cavity.
r e c t i f i e r leads.
(a) Pack all rectifier leads down inside cavity in drive end
housing assembly (21), and place housing in arbor press with rectifiers
f a c i n g down.
( b ) P l a c e b a l l b e a r i n g t o o l ( f i g . F - 1 ) on inside seal according to
Press out inside seal (22), ball bearing (23), and outer
Discard both seals and ball bearing.
seal (24), all at the same time.
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