Section I.
1 . General
Lower case key letters are refer-
ence points for repair standards listed
in the maintenance portion of this manual.
a. This appendix contains an illus-
trated list of repair parts allocated to
3. Requisition Notes
Field and Depot Maintenance columns and
indicates the estimated quantities of
If the exact item requisitioned is
component parts and equipment authorized
not furnished, or if other action is neces-
for support of field and depot mainte-
sary, the exact nature of the action taken
by the supplying agency will be indicated
by standard symbols on prescribed forms.
For fifth
echelon, this list serves
as a guide for
recommended repair parts
When requisitioning an item, the
for the rebuild
of 100 major components
requesting agency will order the listed
and/or major end
item. However, the supplying agencies will
take necessary action to issue the exhaust
The non-supply items are not stocked
stock item until stock is exhausted, wheth-
for-issue and are contained herein for
er it be an individual item, kit, set, or
identification only.
Every individual part is not
4. Explanation of Columns
necessarily stored by itself; many parts
are stored as authorized kits, sets, or
This column indi-
Such items are indicated
cates the figure number of the illustra-
herein. Their components are listed in-
tion that depicts the item. When more
Components of an assembly
than one item appears on the illustration,
are bracketed to indicate their re-
the item number is also indicated.
lationship in the assembly, whereas com-
ponents of kits or sets are indicated
Source, Maintenance, and Recover-
by their index numbers. When a complete
ability Code.
This column lists a code
illustration consists only of the compo-
that indicates the selection status and
nents of a kit or set, these components
source of supply of the repair part, the
will not be bracketed and will bear dif-
ferent main index numbers.
lowest echelon authorized to install or
manufacture the repair part, and the re-
coverability and expendability aspects of
For prices of Ordnance items listed
herein, see the appropriate supply manual
the repair part. An example of this code
is P-O-R. The "P" indicates that the item
of the SM 9-2 series, Stock List of All
Items -Price List.
is a mission stockage list repair part
Prices of items that
procured and stocked on a national pro-
are the responsibility of material
gram basis, the "O" indicates the repair
other than Ordnance may be obtained
from the appropriate type 2 supply manuals
part is authorized to organizational ech-
elons, and the "R" indicates that the re-
for those services.
pair part is an expendable, recoverable
These codes will vary and contain
e. Additional applications of items in
this manual are listed in the supply man-
different combinations of numbers and let-
ters that pertain to the pertinent item
uals of the SM 9-3 series, Stock List of
being coded. Refer to paragraph 6b, "Sym-
Repair Parts.
bols" for the identification of all sym-
bols contained within this column.
2. Illustration and Text Relationship
Federal Stock Number. This column
Illustrated supply items are keyed
lists the Federal Stock Number assigned by
by numbers to their text listing.
the Cataloging Division, Armed Forces Sup-
ply Support Center.
Non-supply items will be identified
by name and part number in legend on the
d . Description. The Federal Item name
illustration and the identifying key num-
(shown in capital letters) and any addi-
ber will be encircled to indicate non-
tional description required for supply op-
supply status.
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