Section I.
and dry with compressed air (15 psi).
Refer to TM 9-2815-204-35 for instruc-
Particles blown by com-
pressed air are hazardous. Make certain
tions covering the removal and installa-
tion of the starter.
air stream is directed away from user
and any other persons In area.
Before beginning disassembly, wash
Standard parts kits should always be
starter thoroughly with dry-cleaning sol-
vent, Federal Specification P-S-661, or
used when repairing or rebuilding the
paint thinner
starter assembly.
Refer to Appendix II
for description of parts kits.
Section II.
19. General
a . Disassembly of the starter will
be performed in figure number sequence
and the instructions provided with each
illustration will, in turn, be performed
in the order of their respective index
letters. If no instructions are provided
with these index letters, the procedures
involved are relatively simple and the
parts should be removed in the sequence
indicated by the letters.
b. All packings and gaskets will be
discarded during disassembly to insure
their replacement by new parts during as-
A - Remove end cover.
B - Remove nut and lock washer.
20. Switch Assembly and End Cover
c - Remove four, screws and lock washers.
a . Refer to figure 4 for.instructions
covering removal of the switch assembly
and end cover.
D - Remove switch assembly.
Removing or installing
instructions covering disassembly of the
switch assembly and end cover.
switch assembly.
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